Full Of Surprises (35) *Final Chapter*

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Chapter 35: Full Of Surprises (Final Chapter)

Ruvik's POV

Nessie had somehow managed to fall back into the pile of glass Sebastian and I just pulled her from. The doctor called a second ambulance to come for her. He said it's possible she had lost too much blood and there's nothing he will be able to do. I dismissed him and waited with Nessie until the ambulances arrived. They arrived quicker here than they do in the U.S. which I am grateful for. In no time we were in the hospital and people got to work on both of them. Sebastian had gone with Jefferey and I remained with Nessie. Part of me knew she'd be okay. Nothing nicked any arteries or anything like that. Yet my gut churned with anxiety. I stood by and watched as they removed each shard of glass. Hearing that noise sent me into a panic. Once I found out it was Nessie, my whole demeanor changed in an instant.

I hadn't meant to snap at her. It's not that I was angry with her, just the fact that she had been in danger. Instead, I'm annoyed with Jefferey's idiotic actions that put us here in the first place. I overheard him telling the doctor what Nessie had refused to tell me. A huge part of me wants to be angry at Jefferey for laying his hands on Nessie and causing her to fall. Yet, I can't. I understand why he did what he did. Just because I understand, it does not excuse his actions. But because I understand, I feel for him. It's not something I'll ever admit to Nessie or anyone else, but I relate with Jefferey more than I care to. He's not the only one with trauma tied with his confused sexuality. I just hope the kid finds the help he needs.

Now I sit here in the hospital room, waiting for Nessie to wake up. The nurse said she should be awake shortly and to call when she finally wakes up. I've been sitting here holding her hand, torturing myself with thoughts of losing her. It's funny how our mind works. Logically I know Nessie will be alright, yet I cannot stop the thoughts running through my head.

"Why are you crying?" Nessie grumbled. Her voice caused me to jerk and look in her direction. She was staring at me with concern. She's in the hospital yet concerned about me.

"I'm not crying." I wiped my eyes quickly in an attempt to appear manly. Nessie chuckled and shook her head.

"Is Jefferey alright?" She asked.

"Sebastian is with him. I haven't heard anything yet." I kissed the tip of her fingers gently.

"Sebastian is the last one who should be with him right now." She went to sit up but I stopped her.

"You aren't going anywhere." My voice was stern and final. She huffed and looked up at me.

"Then you go get Sebastian and get me an update on Jefferey." I could tell how worried she was. Nessie's stubbornness knows no boundaries when she's concerned about the people she cares about. One could say the same about me.

"Alright ma lady, I shall return." I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. As I exited the hospital room, I bumped into Nessie's nurse. I told her that Nessie is awake and to give her anything that she needs. Then I headed to the waiting room to see if Sebastian was still there. I found him hunched over in the uncomfortable blue chairs that loiter the waiting room. He didn't bother looking up when I took the seat next to him.

"How's Jefferey?" I asked him. Upon hearing my voice, he looked up. His eyes were red and puffy from crying and he used his sleeve to wipe his nose.

"He left." Sebastian's voice was void of any emotion.

"What do you mean he left?" I stood up and headed over to the front desk. I asked the older woman working about Jefferey. She asked me if I was kin, and like an idiot, I said no. After that, she refused to give me any information. Nessie was going to be livid if I don't find out what happened or where he is. I returned to Sebastian who stared absently at the wall across from him.

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