Unwelcomed Feelings (9)

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Ruvik's POV

She still hasn't arrived! It is time for opening and so far I haven't seen her. Of course, I don't know what she looks like. I sighed in frustration and rubbed my face.

"Hank just said that Charlotte Jones and Sebastian Reed entered the back entrance," Richard said via the com in my ear. My body instantly relaxes and my stomach clenches at the mention of Sebastian. At this point, I'll do anything to get him to forgive me.

"Roger that," I replied and made my way inside. At least she showed up.

I finally reached the middle of the room when I saw Sebastian coming down the stairs. His arm was occupied with the girl from the restaurant. She wore a green skirt and a sleeveless red and green top that matched. Her entire outfit matched perfectly with Sebastian's. She looked up and her eyes scanned the place, passing over me completely. I couldn't help but think that she is actually pretty. Her ginger hair was pinned perfectly around her neck. No doubt the work of Sebastian. The top brought attention to her spectacular breasts. An emerald necklace outlined in gold rested perfectly between her breasts.

Sebastian looked amazing as usual. If I didn't know he was gay, they would be the power couple tonight. They finally reached the bottom and began walking around. I caught up to them and tapped Sebastian's shoulder.

"Sebastian," I said softly.

"I have nothing to say to you." He responded sternly without even turning around.

"I just wanted to apologize," I said, trying desperately to keep the desperation out of my voice.

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to." He said, finally turning around. A sigh of defeat escaped me since I knew it would come to this. I needed to swallow my pride if I wanted him back as a friend.

"Ma'am, I am deeply sorry for my actions and what I said to you. It was out of line." I spoke towards the woman on his arm, completely forgetting her name.

"It's okay," She said quietly as she kept her eyes glued to the floor.

"IT IS NOT OKAY!" Sebastian shouted as he threw his arms up. She leaned close to him and whispered in his ear. He sighed and remained quiet.

"Charlotte!!" Someone shouted. I turned to see Jefferey, the author I just signed, running towards us. He engulfed Sebastian's friend in a huge hug. That's when it clicked. Charlotte Jones. She arrived with Sebastian. Of course.

"Charlotte? As in Charlotte Jones, the new owner?" I asked to confirm. She looked down sheepishly and nodded her head. I've really screwed myself on this one. A hole I will never dig myself out of.

"Stop that," Sebastian chastised. I thought he was talking to me but he wasn't. 

"Stop what?" She asked quietly.

"Pretty girls don't look down." He smiled. She smiled back and blushed a bright pink. It was cute on her pale skin. 

"Babe. How have you been?" Jefferey asked her.

 "Alright. Have you met Sebastian?" She clearly diverted the conversation. Sebastian and Jefferey introduced each other and I watched as Charlotte slowly eased away from our small little group. I followed her, wanting to get a minute alone. 

"Excuse me, Miss," I said, causing her to jump. She turned and kept her eyes on my chest. She was either really shy, or scared of me. I wouldn't blame her for being scared, I've already attacked her once.

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