Change of Plans (5)

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Ruvik's POV

Alsworth's employee must be more intelligent than I originally thought. I didn't expect an old man to read the stack of papers I gave him about the author and the event. It appears his employee has read the entire thing. Now I have the date set in stone so I can finally call people to get things set up. There will be a red carpet and paparazzi, wine and finger foods, classy music, and many other things. I am letting my party planner do most of the planning. She's really good at what she does, the main reason why she is still employed.

I decided to hit the gym today. I need a good workout to relieve some stress. I usually go a couple of rounds with my personal trainer but he's on vacation. After telling my driver to take the day off, I chose to jog to my favorite gym. That was mistake number one.

I set out on my jog at a light pace. Music blaring in my ears, giving me the push I need. The gym wasn't far from here, but I purposely took the long way to get more exercise in. It's not too hot outside. There was a really nice breeze that I was thankful for. I rounded the corner and almost came to a halt. There she was. That pig I fired from Castellanos. She was walking a large dog who appears to be blind. I bet China was having an earthquake the way she is walking. I ducked behind the nearest tree and watched as she passed me. She was sniffling as if she were crying. I can't help but imagine her tears as bacon grease. While amusing, the thought rubbed me wrong. The dog seemed oblivious with its nose buried in the ground.

Is this what she does now that she's out of a job? Walking dogs does not seem like fun. They're gross and they shit everywhere. How could someone possibly find joy in them? I finally reached my gym and I realized it's not too far from the local animal shelter. In all the years I've been coming here, I never noticed a place full of rotten animals. Who knew.

The gym was pretty much deserted. I helped myself to whatever equipment I wanted and got to work. My mind wandered off towards work, as usual. I'm always planning and thinking. At this point, I'm sure my mind doesn't have an off switch. I have one book signing planned and in the works. Mr. Alsworth agreed to let me use his space as many times as I needed. It was a very spacey place which seemed perfect for the party. A lot of people tend to show up. Therefore, a lot of space is needed. I don't know how the authors will feel about having signings at the same place but they will have to get over it. I fund everything so I get to decide where things happen.

My phone began ringing, breaking my train of thought.

"Victoriano," I answered via Bluetooth.

"Hey, it's Reynolds. I have some bad news." He stated.

"Let me hear it," I said with a sigh.

"Theodore Alsworth kicked the bucket." He said. Fuck me.

"When? I just talked to the old bastard yesterday!" I huffed in frustration.

"Last night." He answered.

"So what's being done with the bookstore?" I asked. Everything I planned was riding on this establishment.

"His will is going to be read at the funeral but there is speculation that he is leaving it to his one and only employee." He said, confirming what the old man told me yesterday. I thank Reynolds and hang up. Fucking Christ.

Great, just fucking great. I emailed the shop immediately and asked if we are still on for the event. I've already paid Mr. Alsworth for the use of the bookstore. She doesn't reply immediately like last night and it irritates me. I frown and place my phone back in my pocket. I've done enough for today. My entire body drenched in sweat, I decided to shower here and head into work. There's a chance I'm going to need to find a new location for this book signing. After I get out of the shower there is a waiting notification for me. It is a response from the employee saying we are still on for the event. Sighing in relief I get dressed.

An idea popped in my head, I just hope it worked. If what Reynolds said is true and she will be the new owner, and I put on enough charm, perhaps she would sell me the bookstore. It would profit my company tremendously and I love a challenge.

I emailed Reynolds and told him to keep me up to date on the property and find out who the new owner is so we can make an offer. He replied saying that he already did because he saw it coming. I chuckled to myself. Reynolds knew me so well. I guess I can get home and do some work since we still have a location. Work is like a never-ending thing. There's never time for myself, but I don't really care. I love my work. I've fought tooth and nail to get where I am today. Growing up the way I did, I made sure I would never need anyone ever again. I put myself through school and did what I had to in order to get where I am today. I am not proud of the things I've done, and I'm not sure if it was all worth it. But here I am, filthy rich and loving my job. The only thing I can say is missing is a family. But families were never my thing. I've always been a loner and I'll probably die a loner.

Reynolds informed me that the funeral will be held tomorrow. I'm curious as to why it's so soon but I am not complaining. I emailed the employee asking to meet in person to discuss the event since I am no longer working with Mr. Alsworth and we have no idea who owns the establishment.

To: Helda's Bookstore

From: Ruben Victoriano

Subject: Meeting

I just heard the news. I am deeply sorry for your loss. With our event coming up soon I was wondering if I can take you out to lunch and we could discuss how to proceed.

Ruben Victoriano

CEO of Victoriano Enterprises

To: Ruben Victoriano

From: Helda's Bookstore

Subject: RE: Meeting

We will meet at the event. Anything you need to discuss can be done via email.

-Helda's Bookstore (Currently closed)

To: Helda's Bookstore

From: Ruben Victoriano

Subject: RE: Meeting

I'd really prefer to discuss things in person.

Ruben Victoriano

CEO of Victoriano Enterprises

To: Ruben Victoriano

From: Helda's Bookstore

Subject: RE: Meeting

And I'd prefer to mourn in peace.

-Helda's Bookstore (Currently closed)

What crawled up her ass? I decided not to press it any further and leave her alone for the day. The event was fast approaching and I needed to get everything in order. The author informed me last minute that he can only come this Monday. Leaving me a day and a half to have everything finished. I've never been so rushed to plan an event. He's lucky I can do wonderful things with the money I have. I need to run the final details by this mystery employee tomorrow but tomorrow is Mr. Alsworth's funeral. It would be awfully rude of me to intrude. However, I now have a deadline and business is business. 



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