Sweaty and Gross (20)

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Chapter 20: Sweaty and Gross

Nessuno's POV

Upon waking up I realized that I am alone. I also realized that I am completely nude and my body hurts. While we didn't have sex last night, Ruben made me come more times than I could count. That man sure knows what he's doing. I stretched my sore limbs and searched for the robe I had last night. I'm met with a giant, and I mean GIANT, teddy bear surrounded by flowers and chocolates. There is a handwritten note sitting in the bear's lap.

Good morning beautiful.

I went for a run, I should be back by the time you wake up. If not, here is a soft bear and some chocolates to make up for my absence. Go freshen up and put on something nice. We have a big day planned.



With a huge smile plastered on my face, I set the note down and pet the bear. He's right, it's incredibly soft. I decide to lug the gigantic bear up the stairs with me so it can sit in my room. He said in his note to wear something nice. Considering I'm in fucking ITALY, I have no idea what's considered "nice". My phone synced with the time and weather here. It's supposed to be in the 80 to 90-degree range. Perhaps just a dress. Ruben likes it when I wear dresses and I want to please him. I hopped in the shower to clean myself up after last night.

Something changed last night. Seeing him so vulnerable made my heart swell with emotion. Men like Ruben don't often show their emotions like that, and the fact that he did it with me made me take his apology seriously. I knew in my heart that he was truly sorry and regretted what he said. I never would have guessed he had such a terrible past. Some people are just dicks for no reason. I guess you never know. Everyone has a past, but that doesn't determine who you are. While Ruben had a minor set back, I can tell he's really not a monster. Just a broken human being who needs to overcome some demons he's trying so desperately to hide. A part of me wanted to try with Ruben. He wasn't the heartless jerk I once thought him to be. I can't predict how this will go, but I do know I want to try.

"Princess?" Ruben called from downstairs. I silently squealed at the pet name. With my emotions still raw, and the hatred I had for him gone, I'm left feeling vulnerable. Back to being the hopeless romantic who falls easily and crashes hard. It terrifies me because I still don't know this man. Yes I've forgiven him, yes we are starting over, but anything can happen. I can still get hurt.

"I'm in here Sir," I yelled from the walk-in closet. Not even a minute later he strolled in, still in his running clothes, all sweaty and out of breath.

"You need to shower." I pinched my nose. His face went from happy, to confused, to evilly playful. He began to stalk towards me like a panther stalking its prey. Ruben was not wearing a shirt and his chest was soaked in his own sweat. Part of me wanted to just run my tongue up his torso, but the other part of me remembers that I just showered.

"Get your gross, sweaty body away from me!" I giggled. He tackled me to the ground, creating a sweaty, stinky blanket with his body.

"Gross!" I whined. He chuckled and ran his nose from the base of my neck to the top. "Smells like someone just got out of the shower." He snickered."Now I have to take another because someone's stinky ass is on me." I groaned. "Stinky ass?" He repeated slowly, looking down at me with a heated gaze. Shit. "I thought we agreed to start over," I panted, trying to get myself out of this. "Yes, but you are still mine. I expect you to obey me." He growled. I gulped as he nipped at my neck. "Looks like you need to be punished." He whispered. "Spankings?" I asked hopefully. They weren't that bad on the plane. I could handle more. "No. I have something else in mind." He whispered and licked the outer shell of my ear. I shivered and squirmed under him. "First, we shower." He stated and stood in a swift motion. He held his hand out and I took it. I struggled a little but eventually got up from the ground. I'm wearing only a bra and panties but this man has seen me in less. He guided me to his bathroom in the master bedroom and ordered me to kneel. I did as I was told and kept my eyes on the ground. Which was hard because he was literally stripping in front of me. I have yet to see Ruben naked. With only my imagination keeping me going, I'm desperate to see him in all of his naked glory. I sighed as each article of clothing hit the floor. He walked behind me, leaned down, and unhooked my bra. I remained motionless. "Good pet." He cooed. I smiled to myself and continued to wait. My ears perked up as I heard the shower start. I'm not sure if my heart was beating out of nervousness or anticipation. Ruben has already seen me naked and has already explored every inch of me down there. Yet, last night he said he wouldn't take me because he didn't deserve me. That left me feeling confused because I'm not worth anything."Stand." He ordered. With slight difficulty, I did as he said and waited for his next command. He took my hand and led me into the shower. For a brief moment, I felt the warm water, then Ruben stood in front of it. "Wash me." He handed me a bar of soap and I took it, eager to finally get my hands on this man. After lathering up the soap in my hands, I began washing his sweaty torso. My fingers traveled over his sculpted abs and biceps. He remained perfectly still, his eyes on me, as I continued to wash his arms. I continued to travel south, bending down to wash his legs. Men have such hairy legs. My hands traveled up to his perfectly sculpted ass. Ruben has some junk in his trunk. As I leaned up, I'm face to -- well Ruben's large member. It was fully erect and waiting. I gulped at his size and felt my mouth begin to water. "Take me in your mouth." He ordered. Without hesitation and some desperation, I immediately took him in my mouth. I heard him moan which made me instantly wet. The desire to please him took over me. Moans from him were like music to my ears. Slowly I took him inch by inch until he was at the back of my throat. I still had more to go. I relaxed my gag muscles and took him the rest of the way. One thing I had going for me is the fact that I have no gag reflex. Worked wonders for me in high school, but after the incident I became celibate. The thought of another man touching me made my skin crawl. That is until I met Ruben. He's the first man I've ever wanted to touch me in a very long time. "Shit pet." He gritted through his teeth. Mentally I smiled from triumph. I began bobbing my head, tasting every inch of him. He tasted of sweat and his own mixture of sweetness. He buried his hands in my hair and gripped it. Not hard enough to hurt but enough to let me know he's in charge. I remained still, allowing him to use my mouth. His tip hit the back of my throat over and over. I braced myself by placing my hands on his thighs. Crouching for so long was getting uncomfortable. He paused and withdrew himself from my mouth."Are you okay princess?" He caressed my face. Butterflies filled my stomach. He stopped to make sure I was okay, instead of just taking what he wanted. I answered by taking him all the way back in, making sure to swallow once he was all the way in. "Shit." He hissed and began fucking my throat again. "I'm gonna come, you better swallow every bit of it." He panted. Then I felt his warm substance hit the back of my throat. He was so deep in that I didn't really taste him. I just swallowed as he continued to fuck my mouth, milking every last bit. After he was done, he pulled out of my mouth. I took the opportunity to lick him clean. He pulled me up to his face, and I made sure to look down since I am in trouble."Look at me." He said softly. As soon as I did, his lips slammed onto mine causing me to melt into his embrace. Our tongues wrestled and he dominated me immediately. It turned me on that he didn't mind tasting himself on me. "You took your punishment well pet." He pulled away and gently stroked my cheek."Thank you, Master," I replied. He grabbed the soap and proceeded to wash me. I stood completely still as his hands roamed my body. I shivered as his hands glided over my fat. Just being in his presence I'm self-conscious. Having him actually touch me filled me with anxiety. He guided me to stand in the water then grabbed a bottle and squirted something in his hands. Suddenly his hands were in my hair, massaging my scalp. I moaned at the feeling of his hands in my hair. Before money got really tight, I used to go to the salon just to get my hair washed. It is honestly a true luxury."Do you like that pet?" He asked."Yes Sir," I sighed in complete bliss. Having my hair washed or played with was a guilty pleasure of mine. I'm beyond grateful for Sebastian because he's always doing something with my hair and I love it.Ruben rinsed my hair and then applied conditioner. Once that was done he rinsed it out. "Come now. We have a fun day ahead of us." He turned off the shower and motioned for me to exit before him. Excitement coursed through me. We get to explore Italy! 



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