Decisions Equal Anxiety (32)

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Chapter 32: Decisions Equal Anxiety


Nessuno's POV

Without saying anything Ruben dragged me out of the garden. I kept asking what was the hurry but he remained silent. I probably offended him somehow and now he doesn't want me in his sight. I had to be honest. There's no way we can be in a successful relationship if he just suppresses his past and isn't able to appropriately express his emotions. I figured it's best to get everything out in the open.

When we got home, Ruben told me to go to the master bedroom and wait for him. The way he looked at me got me really excited. I hurried upstairs into the master bedroom. There's a medium-sized golden box in the middle of the bed with a small box on either side of it. I heard Ruben behind me.

"What is this?" I asked when he shut the door.

"A little surprise, go look for yourself." He smirked.

I decided to open the gold box first because it is the biggest. Upon opening it I could see a gold day collar. It's a thin collar with a gold heart in the middle that has a key hold. On the back of the heart was the word "MINE".

"You got me a collar?" I whispered. It was so beautiful. I could feel the tears threatening to show.

"It has a lock, and I have the key." He reached in his pocket and got out two gold keys. With one he unlocked the collar and took it out of my hands. I held my hair up as he put the collar on. The cold collar settled around my neck as he locked it. I couldn't fathom how much happiness this collar produced.

"Do you like it?" He asked softly.

"Ruben I love it." A tear escaped my eye, he brushed it away with his thumb.

"Don't cry, baby." His voice was soft and tender.

"I've never been owned before. This means so much to me." I told him. He smiled and kissed me softly.

"There's more." He gestured to the other two boxes still remaining on the bed.

"Choose one." He murmured. Ruben disappeared behind me as I looked down at the two small black boxes on the bed.

"You know I hate making decisions," I whined playfully. I was too happy to be upset about this.

"Just pick one baby. Take your time, I'll be right back." He said from behind me. Each box was the same size and weighed the same. With a groan, I chose the second one. I opened the box to find a condom inside. I'm speechless as I stared at the condom in confusion. I did not want to get my hopes up but what else could a condom mean?

"I see you chose correctly." He said. I turned to see him standing there, gloriously naked.

"Are you sure?" I gaped, my eyes glued to his sexy figure.

"More than sure." He smirked.

"Well, what are you waiting for Daddy?" I bit my lip and swiped the boxes on the floor. The other box popped open to reveal another condom causing me to laugh. He lunged towards me, knocking us both on the bed. His lips met mine forcefully. My fingers roamed his muscular back. I felt his hand go up to my dress and brush over my panties. I wanted my dress off now. I was overly ready for him.

"Take it off." I groaned.

"Patience baby." He whispered. I opened my eyes to find myself staring at the both of us.

"You have a mirror above your bed," I gasped.

"I installed it so you can see me make love to your beautiful body." He said in between kisses. He sucked on the spot on my neck that sent chills down my spine. I moaned and watched as his muscles strained with each movement he made. I squirmed and moved as he slid down my dress, freeing me. Now I laid under him in just my bra and panties. They're lace, as all of my lingerie was. I assumed he liked lace.

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