Tonight's Event (7)

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Ruvik's POV

12 p.m.

The signing is tonight at 7 p.m. and I can't seem to get a hold of the employee at Helda's Bookstore. She isn't answering the phone or replying to my emails and I am starting to get quite frustrated. Being the control freak I am, everything has to be in order. We're headed to the bookstore now to get things started. Fingers crossed someone is there or maybe she left it unlocked for me. Everything is good on my end, except for the fact that I need the keys to the place to decorate!

Why didn't she give me a key? Why didn't I ask for one? It completely slipped my mind. We arrive at the store to find that no one is there. I tried the cellphone number she provided me via email to see if she finally answers

"Finally! Where the hell was you?!" I barked with annoyance heavy in my voice.

"Perhaps grieving the loss of my boss and close friend you asshole!" She snapped back. Shit, I forgot about that.

"I need a key to the bookstore so my people can start setting up," I replied in a softer tone. Feeling like a complete asshole, and not wanting to risk her canceling on me last minute, I tried for a softer approach.

"I left one with your secretary since I wouldn't be in until the event actually starts. She said she would leave you a message." She sighed as if she were bored with the conversation, or with me. Christ. I am so firing her.

"Alright, thanks. When will you be here?" I asked her. Immediately I facepalmed, she just told me when she would be arriving. I am just overly curious about what she looks like. Her attitude alone intrigues me. Unlike everyone else, she doesn't take my shit. Other than being a complete mystery to me, she's sparked my interest. Normally it'd irritate me. But this is the first time a woman has talked back to me. Besides that lady at the Chinese restaurant.

"When the signing starts." She repeated and hung up. I stared at my phone dumbfounded. Never in my life has anyone hung up on me so many times. A huge part of me wants to show this mystery woman who the fuck she is dealing with. I don't take that kind of attitude from anyone. Let alone a complete stranger.

I decided to check my phone to see if my secretary messaged me before I fired her ass. Of course, there it is. At 9 this morning she not only called, but emailed, and texted me telling me that a woman dropped a key off for me to Helda's Bookstore. I groaned out loud as my face met my hand for a second time today in embarrassment. Man, I am losing it. Mentally I groaned and instructed my driver to take me back to the office. On the way there I call up my people and tell them to meet me at the bookstore. We have limited time to set things up since I couldn't access the establishment yesterday. Not that I mind, it was the old hags funeral. I'm not completely heartless. To give my condolences, I paid for the entire thing. Mainly to show good faith so maybe the new owner will sell to me. If anything, maybe I can sign a contract with them to use their establishment whenever I want. It is a very spacious bookstore for an old man to be running. The place is huge and 3 stories high.

Employment records show that Charlotte Jones has worked for him for years. On her record is basic stuff with no photograph. It appears that Mr. Alsworth was very old school when it came to his paperwork. From the looks of it, he didn't become digital until Charlotte began working for him. I guess I will have to be patient and see her tonight. On paper, she seems like an excellent hard worker that I definitely want on my side. She's taken the old man's ancient bookstore and modernized it. Without doing so he probably would have gone out of business by now.

The elevator dinged as I hit my floor. When the doors finally open, I hurried over to my secretary.

"Sir! I am so sorry! I tried to-" She started in a panic.

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