Trust (33)

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Chapter 33: Trust

Ruvik's POV

We went four times before Nessie was too tired to continue. I never went for so long. Honestly, I was surprised I could keep a hard-on for so long. With Nessie, it wasn't hard to. I would do anything to please my princess. Including making a delicious breakfast in bed. She was fast asleep when I woke up this morning. The marks I gave her covered her beautifully pale body. I winced as I stretched. My back burned like hell but it was a good pain. My baby girl marked me with her claws. I had scratches all over my back that showed proof of a wonderful night of love-making.

I put some chicken on the stove to cook. I knew she didn't like breakfast food, so I decided to make her somewhat of a lunch. My poor baby would be sore when she woke up. I can honestly say I tore her up last night. My member was proud.

"Holy shit!" Someone said from behind me. I turned to see Missie and Gizelle walking in hand-in-hand. I didn't comment on their new-found closeness or how Gizelle got here in the first place.

"What the hell happened to your back?" Gizelle chuckled.

"Nessie happened," Missie answered for me, trying not to laugh. Gizelle looked from Missie and back to me.

"She did that?" Gizelle asked, shocked.

"My baby has claws," I smirked.

"You better have treated her right," Missie stated sternly.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I assured her.

"How is she? Did you guys have sex?" Missie peeled a banana and began eating it.

"Yes, we had sex. A few times actually if you must know." I answered.

"She let you... Wow. How is she? Have you checked on her?" Missie asked, panic rising in her.

"She is still sleeping," I answered

"No, I'm not." Nessie yawned. I looked up to see her wearing a robe with her hair a mess. She yawned once again and stretched.

"Holy fucking shit babe your back!" She gasped. I chuckled to myself and walked over to her.

"How are you feeling baby?" I asked as I kissed her cheek.

"Ruben, I can barely walk." She blushed.

"That means I am doing my job correctly." I nipped her ear lobe causing her to gasp.

"Move! Move!" Missie shoved me out of the way to inspect her best friend. Nessie sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Babe, I am fine!" She protested.

"Are you sure? If he hurt you I swear to Satan I will cut his damn dick off and force-feed it to him!" Missie growled.

"Hey! I need that!" Nessie pouted. A moment of silence passed, then suddenly they burst into laughter. Me and Gizelle stood awkwardly as the two laughed and laughed.

"Holy fuck it hurts. Daddy, it hurts." Nessie whined.

"What hurts baby girl?" I asked worriedly.

"My princess parts." She whispered. I smiled and pecked her on the lips. I guided her to the stool and helped her onto it.

"Would my princess like some apple juice?" I offered.

"The fuck? No. She wants chocolate milk." Missie scoffed as she slid on the stool next to Nessie. I looked to my baby for confirmation, she nodded and rolled her eyes at Missie.

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