New Submissive (15)

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Chapter 15: New Submissive

Ruvik's POV

I stared at her stunned face. She was utterly speechless. The whole way home I've thought about today's session with Doc. He said this may not actually work because she may not be into it. And at the moment she doesn't trust me enough to allow me to introduce her into it. During the drive home I brainstormed how I could introduce this in conversation to see if it would be something she'd be open to. I really don't want her to go to a mental hospital and I'm not equipped to give her the psychiatric help she needs. All I wanted to do is get her to forgive me. Now that I think about it, it's kind of selfish. Even more selfish if you take into consideration that I'm genuinely attracted to this woman. Wanting what you can't have makes you desire it more. Seeing what she's written, and knowing she's a submissive, maybe I have a chance after all.

"Well?" I asked after what seemed like hours of silence.

"Why would you want me to be your submissive? You don't even like me." She spoke quietly.

"I -- Look, BDSM helped me when I was in a really low place. I want to help you. Besides, I... I do like you" I admitted.

She barked out a laugh that startled me. I couldn't help but feel offended.

"Are you serious? Do you think you can help me after the shit you pulled? You son of a--" She began, my lips smashed onto hers, silencing her rampage. She threw her hands up to push me away but I wrapped my arms around her plush body and she melted into my embrace. A moan escaped her lips, causing me to immediately get hard. I pressed my hard-on against her, letting her know that I wanted her. That I'm not lying and this attraction is real.

"What do you say?" I whispered against her lips.

"Alright." She said breathlessly. Standing back I took in her hot and bothered state. Her cheeks were a perfect pink and her lips were slightly swollen.

"Dinner is ready. Go freshen up and be at the table in five." I ordered and walked out of the room.

I headed downstairs feeling victorious. Honestly, I didn't expect her to say yes. I was prepared for an argument. At the same time, I didn't expect to kiss her. How else was I going to prove that I genuinely like her? The kiss itself was mind-blowing even on my part. Who knew her lips were so fucking soft. Now all I can imagine is having those lips wrapped around my cock. It's no secret that she still hates my guts but now more than ever I want to change that.

I sat down at the table and watched as Jane set the table with delicious spaghetti and garlic bread. So far it had been 4 minutes since I gave her the order to freshen up. More than anything I'm curious about how well she followed orders. Even with her hating me, is she actually willing to obey me? Why did she say yes? In her eyes, I'm a monster. Why would she want to submit to a monster? On cue, she strolled in.

"Perfect timing," I noted.

"Fortunately for you, my anxiety prevents me from being late." She stated as she sat across from me. Anxiety or not, she's punctual.

"I hope you're hungry," Jane smiled as she placed a bowl of salad in the middle of the table.

"I'm starving." Nessie smiled kindly at Jane.

"Have you eaten today?" I asked her.

"No." She answered much to my dismay. I would have thought Sebastian would've made sure she ate something.

"That will change," I stated and began eating my food.

We ate in silence, the food was too good to stop eating. Jane's an amazing cook. She was the reason I can stay so fit. I used to starve myself until I discovered Jane. The doctor actually diagnosed it as an eating disorder. Something I was forced to work on during my time in the mental institutions. In society's eyes, only women get eating disorders. So having to deal with that really made me feel like less of a man. After meeting Jane, I eat three meals a day and go to the gym regularly.

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