Dream Bookstore (30)

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Chapter 30: Dream Bookstore


Nessuno's POV

Sleep was hanging over me like a dark cloud. Gizelle and Sebastian dragged me out of bed way too early. Even though Sebastian had a killer hangover, shopping was more important. Last night was a blast for anyone. There was tension from the argument between Sebastian, Ruben, and I. I simply ignored it and tried to have a good time with my friends. We were now entering the fourth store of the day. Gizelle and Sebastian saw something they wanted to throw Missie in and dragged her away, kicking and screaming. I looked around the overly priced store for something that interested me and found nothing so I went outside. I spot a cafe and bookstore combo across the street. My prayers have been answered! I look back to see if I see any of them and I don't. I'm not sure where Ruben ventured off to. Maybe he decided to wait in the SUV.

Quickly I exited the store and walked across the brick road until I was face to face with the bookstore. I could smell the delicious coffee from here. Coffee was definitely something I needed right now. Last night proved to be a horrible night for sleep. The door chimed upon entering the coffee shop.

"Ciao!" A woman greeted me. I smiled and waved to her. My eyes scanned over the forest-themed coffee shop. Further back is where the bookstore started with the bookshelves wrapped in plastic vines. There was fake bark all over the walls. The branches of the trees end just above the bookshelves. Christmas lights were twisted around the trees creating a beautiful image. It's definitely a sight. Like being transported into another world designed just for me. WIth the bookstore back at home now being in my possession, maybe I can turn it into my own vision. Hopefully, attract more bibliophiles like me.

I ordered myself a nice cappuccino and a muffin and browsed the bookshelves while my order was being made. There were so many books I couldn't decide which one to read. I picked up The Fault In Our Stars. I've read it a thousand times. It is a really good novel. John Green really gave me hope that I can find the love of my life. If two cancer patients can fall hopelessly in love, and battle everything life throws at them, can't I? Though at the same time, John ripped out my soul, stomped on it, and put it back in its rightful place. Who gives someone such a beautiful love story with such a tragic ending?

The nice lady brought my muffin and coffee to me at the table I chose. I thanked her and began reading my book.

Since I've read it so many times, I quickly get bored with the book and go search for something new. When's the last time I've actually sat down and read a book? Lately, my life has just been a chaotic mess filled with work and my own mental illness pulling me down. All I had was Ruben's card he gave me to buy clothes with. I wonder if he would mind if I bought some books with it. I don't mind paying him back. This would be easier if Ruben had let me bring my own money. OF course, the controlling millionaire wants to pay for anything. That man fits so many cliches that it's cliche he doesn't know he fits them. I find myself filling a small basket of books as I skim through the aisle. Simply choosing covers or titles that interest me. If I don't like them, they can be part of the 'free' section at Helda's. This bookstore offers more than books. They have a few nice eReaders on display, while I was a big fan of getting books, having a tablet would be very handy. Why do I feel like such a gold digger right now? I should ask Ruben first. However, I didn't bring my phone and I don't know his number. Surely the gang is still across the street. I'm just not ready to surrender this eternal peace I've stumbled upon.

I roamed around some more until I was finally ready to purchase the books I selected. I set the books on the counter and she rang them up. Since my cappuccino was gone, I ordered a small tea to drink while I read one of the books I picked. The woman placed the books into a paper bag and tied it with some kind of thin rope. Perhaps that's something I can implement to help save the earth a little bit and quit using plastic bags. After finding a cozy place to sit, I opened a random book and got lost in another world.

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