Sweet Insults (21)

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Chapter 21: Sweet Insults

Ruvik's POV

I had wonderful things planned for today. I figured a pleasant day was in order after my embarrassing tear fest last night. It seemed to have done some good, she's forgiven me. That was enough to make me the happiest man in Italy. Not to mention how well she took her punishment. I can honestly say that was the best head I have ever had. I've never been with anyone who didn't have a gag reflex. This means I can have some fun with her.

Today I planned on taking her to grab some lunch. Then afterward I wanted to take her to the library she talked about yesterday. Where Ted Alsworth met his wife. I think Nessie would love that. Then to the opening of my sister's art gallery. It's been some time since I've seen her. She's one of the bastard children my father had then abandoned. Gizelle was lucky enough to grow up in a safe environment. Her mother had married a rich guy and she grew up wealthy. When I became all big and famous, we met. It wasn't until getting to know her that we realized we were related. It is a very long story as to how we found out, but I was beyond happy to have a sibling. She of course doesn't know what I've been through being the only child at home with our biological father. And I will never tell her.

"Princess are you ready?" I yelled from downstairs.

"Yes, Sir!" She called from upstairs. She appeared at the top of the stairs in a light grey fitted dress.

"You look, gorgeous baby girl." I looked her up and down, appreciating how the dress clings to her body.

"Th-thank you." She blushed and looked down.

"Hold your head up. What is it Sebastian said?" I pondered, trying to recall his words from the night I found out Nessie and Charlotte are the same person.

"Something about pretty girls don't look down. But Sebastian is also very dramatic." She rolled her eyes. I decided to let this one slide. Today's her day.

"That he is. Gotta love him though." I chuckled. We exited the home and got into the car waiting for us. After getting our seat belts on, we headed to our destination.

"Did you guys ever makeup?" She turned her head as I took her hand in mine.

"I think we're on our way. He still only talks to me to get updates on you." I answered.

"He'll come around. He was very shocked to find out that I forgave you. So maybe now he can quit pouting and discuss things like an adult." She shook her head with a sigh.

"I, too, am shocked you forgave me," I admitted.

"I think we all are." She said quietly.

She stared out the window with awe written all over her face as we drove through the city. We finally reached the restaurant that I picked out. I told her to stay so I could open the door for her. She of course obeyed. A woman should be waited on, hand and foot. I am going to teach her that she deserves everything I am giving to her.

"I hope you're hungry," I said with a smile.

"Sto morendo di fame Sir." She said and bit her lip. (I am starving Sir)

I gaped at her in awe. "Baby girl, you speak Italian?"

"Roughly." She bit her lip and looked down again.

Gripping her chin gently, I leaned down and took her lips with mine. She gave me access immediately, hungry for more. I took her lip between my teeth and bit down gently. Then I pulled back and took her hand, leading her inside.

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