Greetings From The Past (8)

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Nessuno's POV

Sebastian spent two hours doing my hair and makeup. It was torture staying still for so long. Every time I moved he would hit me with something and mutter about messing up his masterpiece. I sighed and gave up trying to rush him. He was such a drama queen.

"Finished." Sebastian placed his hands on his hips in satisfaction. He moved back to get a full view of his work.

"Thank god. Can we go now?" I groaned as I stretched my legs.

"Let's party!" He cheered.

We got in the car and headed towards the bookstore. A perk of working at Helda's Bookstore, it's not that far away. The entire road was blocked off for the event and I can see the bookstore lit up as I've never seen it before. There were flowers, a red carpet filled with people slowly piling in. Christmas lights and other lights hung everywhere along with green plants. It's truly beautiful. If only Mr. Alsworth was here to see his pride and joy lit up so beautifully. We pull down the alley and park in the back where I usually park inside the parking garage that sits right behind the bookstore.

"Are you ready for this?" Sebastian asked once he turned the car off. I was silent for a few minutes while I digested his question and what he actually meant. Am I ready to meet this asshole for the third time a row? Am I ready to expose myself as the new owner of the shop he is trying to purchase? Am I ready to see him shit bricks when he sees who he spent almost a grand on tonight? The clock on the dash read 7:01 p.m. I was not ready for this. However, I needed to do this. This event was important for the business and Mr. Alsworth entrusted me to keep it running. It's too bad that one Ruben sees who he's working with, any future business will be terminated. Not that I would ever want to work with the asshole again. But like I said, this was good for the business and I was going to need all of the help I can get to keep it running on my own.

"Let's go," I said finally and go to open my door. Sebastian grabbed my arm to stop me. I looked at him as if he's lost his goddamn mind. His face softened and he smiles.

"The gentleman gets the door." He explained. I rolled my eyes with a smile and waited as he exited the car and walked around to my door. He grabbed my hand and helped me out. Of course, he looked absolutely fabulous. We were able to somehow find a dress similar to Sebastian's tux so that we could still match. Emerald green also makes Sebastian's skin tone stand out. However, Sebastian looked amazing in anything. Sometimes I wish I was a gay man so I could have him. I hooked my arm in his and we made our way to the back entrance. The employee entrance was a short walk across the street and up a flight of stairs to the back door that resided on the third floor. As we approached the stairs I saw a beefy security guard standing by the roped-off stairs. He checked my badge and allowed us up with no issues. In the heels, it was a rougher walk up the stairs than usual. Once we were at the top of the stairs I saw another security guard standing by the back door.

This security guard was cautious and didn't want to let me in at first.

"You do realize she has the authority to fire you right?" Sebastian threatened.

"Go on in, Ms. Jones." The man grunted. I smiled at him sweetly and walked inside. There was classical music playing. The place was more beautiful inside than it was outside. More Christmas lights and flowers decorated the place making the books stand out. People were gathered downstairs on the main floor. I could see a table in the middle of the room where a man sat signing books. I couldn't spot Ruben which made me feel so much better.

Sebastian and I made our way downstairs. Many people complimented me on my dress which made me feel more confident about it. I was hesitant about buying it because it is a 2 piece and I'm self-conscious. Sebastian talked me into it. He talks me into most things I do. We reach the bottom floor where everyone is gathered. Immediately I wanted to go to my office and close myself inside. Technically I am here.

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