Getting To Know You (22)

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Chapter 22: Getting To Know You

Nessuno's POV

"The food here is to die for. Now the staff, I'm going to have to reevaluate." Ruben said after we sat back down. The two waiters we dealt with before were nowhere in sight. Ruben's jaw was clenched which made me nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He turned his head towards me and just stared at me. I challenged myself not to look away this time even though my heart was pounding the entire time. Someone came over and got us new drinks since the ice had melted while we were away. Ruben didn't pay them any attention.

"No, I'm not." He finally answered.

"What's wrong?" I tilted my head, staring at him out of curiosity.

"I finally understand why Sebastian hates me so much." He rubbed his chin and continued to look at me.

"Look if it's about that woman, don't worry about it. Stuff like that happens all of the time and I try not to waste my energy on it. I'm just feeling vulnerable right now for some reason and let it get to me." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"It gets to me because just 3 or 4 weeks ago I did the same thing." He looked down shamefully. I grabbed his hand causing him to look back up at me.

"A wise man once said, 'We're all born ignorant. But once must work really hard to remain stupid.'. I take that as, you can learn from your mistakes or continue to make them. Ruben, I think you've learned from your mistakes and are actively trying to make up for them. So quit beating yourself up. It's only going to hold you back from greatness." As I finished speaking, the new waiter was back with our sizzling food.

Ruben cut into them to make sure they're right then the waiter left. We began eating in silence and I could only hope he's giving my words some thought. I didn't want to be stuck reassuring him over this. Of course, that makes me feel heartless. But he said horrible things to me, and then I forgave him. He can choose to accept that and forgive himself or let it eat him up inside. My reassurance will mean nothing if he refuses to forgive himself.

"How's the food?" He asked me.

"You are right Ruben Victoriano, this is the best steak I've ever had." I sighed in content. It's so juicy and tender. Sauce isn't even needed for it. The garlic on top compliments it perfectly.

"Why is it that you call me Ruben when everyone else calls me Ruvik?" He took a sip of his water and waited for my answer.

"It's your name," I said obviously.

"You are correct. However, no one calls me by my name." He eyed me with a playful glint in his eyes.

"If it makes you more comfortable, I will call you Ruvik from now on." I took another bite of my steak and stared at him.

"Really?" He used his thumb to wipe juice from my chin.

"Why do you keep questioning me?" I giggled.

"I just want to know how your brain works my love." He smiled.

"I'll be happy to tell you once you finish your food." I challenged him.

"Oh, how the tables have turned." He chuckled and got back to eating his food. We stole glances at each other while we ate. I kept catching him just staring at me. It's something I am getting used to but I too would like to know what goes on in Ruben Victoriano's head. For someone who normally doesn't like to eat vegetables, today I am devouring them. If vegetables were made this delicious all of the time, I wouldn't mind eating them. I've always know Italy had so much more to offer than Americanized Alfredo back at Olive Garden.

Once our plates were cleared, the waiter asked if we wanted dessert. Ruben declined saying we'll get dessert at our next location. Ruben didn't bother paying and we left the restaurant. He wouldn't tell me where we were going next but he seemed pretty excited about it. As excited Ruben Victoriano can get. On the outside, he's sporting a classic resting bitch face. But after spending time with him and getting to know his body language a little better, I know he's anxious.

"So tell me, why are you always doing what makes me comfortable?" Ruben asked once the car was moving. Of course, as soon as my seat belt was on, my hand was in his. Ever since I signed the contract Ruben has been holding my hand. I've been meaning to ask him about it but I'm hesitant.

"Why wouldn't I? You should never do what makes you uncomfortable. I definitely don't want to be the one to make you. Besides, even I don't go by my real name. Surely you've recognized that. Yet, you still call me Nessie." I answered honestly.

"Yes, I know of your real name. I was going to ask you but at the time I felt like I didn't deserve to know." He sighed.

"I, um, stopped going by my real name after I was raped. My parents kicked me out and sent me off to live with my grandmother because I was a 'whore' to them. They were very religious people and being raped meant I was no longer pure. Afterward, I got really depressed. So I developed the nickname Nessie. It's short for Nessuno which means --" Ruben cut me off as I was explaining to him the part of my life we didn't talk about last night.

"Nobody." He finished for me.

"That is correct. Even Sebastian and Missie don't know where my nickname comes from." I sighed loudly. Why did I tell him?

"But you're not nobody. You're definitely somebody to me. Now I'm not sure I feel comfortable calling you by that name." He unbuckled my seat belt and pulled me closer.

"Well, what would you call me Ruvik?" I tilted my head and looked up at him.

"For starters, I like it when you call me Ruben." He began. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"As for what I'll call you, baby girl I have a list of names." He smirked. I bit my lip, this time not out of nervousness, but to contain the affection I'm feeling for this man.

"It's been a long time now. I'm sure I can start going by Charlotte again. By now, no one knows who I am. I purposely moved very far away from home and my abusers. Maybe I can learn how to be Charlotte again." I stared up at Ruben trying to read him. As usual, he was looking at me like I'm some kind of creature he just discovered.

"I would love to get to know Charlotte." He smiled. I leaned up and kissed him. He took it upon himself to deepen the kiss. At first, I dreaded spending these days with him, completely alone in another country. Now, I look forward to them. Once I've let go of the hate, I'm seeing Ruben in a new light.

"I would love to get to know Ruben. Not Ruben Victoriano, CEO of Victoriano Enterprises. The Ruben the rest of the world doesn't get to see." I smiled up at him, already feeling lovestruck.

"Baby girl, you have already seen parts of me that no one on this Earth has ever seen." Ruben reclaimed my lips once more and devoured me as if I were the only other person on this planet.



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