The Question (14)

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Chapter 14: The Question

Nessuno's POV

Who knew Ruben had such good taste in video games. He had all kinds of legendary video games that I enjoyed playing with Sebastian. For some reason, Sebastian was my babysitter for the day. I tried asking him why Ruben is really keeping me here but he seemed just as confused as I was. Instead of pestering him about it, I decided to simply enjoy his company. After breaking his heart, I owed him that much. Sebastian seemed to have forgiven me but Missie is still giving me the cold shoulder. When your friend almost kills herself, you'd think you'd offer her more support and be there for her. Not ignore her and give her the silent treatment. Sebastian's technique and Missie's technique are wildly different.

We had a blast today and I appreciated the break from life. Watching movies, playing video games, and eating delicious food the kind lady cooked for us. I was too nervous to ask for anything but Sebastian was far from it. It was like he's been here before. He knew where everything was and the lady knew him by name. I guess it should be expected since he worked for Ruben. However, Ruben didn't seem like the kind of boss to have his staff over to his house. I wanted to ask Sebastian about it but I chose not to.

While watching Lilo and Stitch, Sebastian had fallen asleep. I took the opportunity to explore the house. We've been in the game/movie room for most of the day. The kind lady even let us eat in there. So far, she's the only one to make me feel at home here. No one would tell me why out of all the places to be trapped, I was stuck at Ruben's. Thinking about it, I'd rather be in some asylum than staying with the devil himself.

"Just trust him." was all Sebastian had to say. I barely know the man and I'm supposed to trust him? After the way he's treated me I'm supposed to trust him? Hell, Sebastian isn't even talking to him right now. He said the only time they've spoken is regarding me. I will admit that it stings having Sebastian take his side. I've never questioned his judgment up until now.

Sebastian had gone home, leaving me alone. I wanted to actually try this time, for Missie's sake. I didn't understand how much she actually cares about me. Or how much Sebastian cares about me. I always viewed myself as worthless and unlovable. But here I have two people who care about whether I am alive or not. I need to at least try for them. They deserve so much better.

I ventured up to Ruben's office. It was the only place I could find with a computer. He had his email up so I minimized it and opened Wattpad. I wanted to work more on my book. It helps take my mind off things. Like being transported into someone else's world besides my own. A world that I can create and the outcome is mine to choose. Some people seem to like my stories which is odd because I fucking suck at writing. Oh well, I do it anyway because it's enjoyable.

With a long stretch of my spine, I began typing...

He walked in, I stared down at the floor, too afraid to look up. I knew from research that when you kneel, you keep your eyes glued to the floor.

"You're so beautiful when you kneel." He whispered close to my ear. A shiver went down my spine and I fought to not look up at him. Suddenly I felt his warm tongue on the edge of my ear. I moaned slightly, getting wetter by the minute.

"What does my pet want?" He whispered.

"I want you, Daddy," I admitted.

"Daddy?" He asked as the crop came down on my bare, naked ass.

"Master." I corrected myself.

"Very good pet." He said as he caressed my ass. I moaned and fought the urge to move. Master didn't like it when I moved. He likes for me to stay still, completely at his mercy.

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