New Plan (13)

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Chapter 13: New Plan

Ruvik's POV

*the next day*

What did I do?


Of course, she wouldn't want to kiss me. Why would she want anything to do with me after the way I treated her? The conversation I had with Dr. Kettlemire played on a loop in my head. I realize now that I actually didn't mean those things I said to her. I didn't find Nessie disgusting at all. Last night I checked on her while she slept and I couldn't help but think how adorable she is. Then there's the never-ending guilt. Seeing and hearing how deeply my words and actions affected her. I feel like a monster.

After barely getting any sleep last night, I laid in bed thinking of how I can make it up to her. Maybe if I made her breakfast myself, she'd see it as a peace offering. I'm kind of feeling eggs and chocolate chip muffins. I'm not sure what she'd like. I would ask but she'd probably bite my head off. First impressions are everything and I already fucked up mine.

Deciding that sleep was not an option, I got out of bed and went downstairs to start breakfast. I started making the eggs first. While they were cooking I put together the muffin batter. I had a sudden craving for sausage. Fingers crossed that we actually have sausage. Jane does all of the cooking so I have no idea what we have. I threw a victorious fist bump in the air after locating some sausage links. Considering it's so early and I'm not used to having house guests I I try not to make too much noise. The sausage is now sizzling while I whisk the eggs together. Everything smelled amazing. I'm not the best cook, but having to fend for myself since I was a kid has taught me a thing or two.

Once the food was finished I made our plates and placed them on the island. She still hasn't come down so I decided to go wake her. For some reason my heart began racing as I approached the room she's sleeping in. I wasn't afraid of her. But every interaction we've had has been negative. She literally hates my guts and I'm beginning to think she will never forgive me.

I nudged the ajar door gently with my foot. It swung open silently to reveal a sleeping Nessie. She wore a pink nightgown instead of her previous t-shirt that rests at the top of her thighs. From the door, I could see the bandages that covered them. It was the work of Sebastian. He is very protective of her, so is Missie. They both have one common enemy, and that's me. With a sigh I walked towards her, let's get this over with. Her hair was a mess in front of her face.

"Nessie," I whispered softly as I placed my hand on her cold, pale skin. She stirred slightly but didn't wake up.

"Nessie," I tried again, placing my hand on her cheek. A gasp got caught in my throat when she snuggled my hand. It reminded me of my Daddy days. It's been a long time since I've been a Daddy. For the past few years, I've only been Master or Sir to my submissives.

"What the fuck?!" She suddenly jumped causing me to jump back. My eyes meet her terrified ones which honestly broke my heart.

"I'm sorry." was all I could think to say.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she placed a hand over her racing heart.

"I was trying to wake you for breakfast," I lamely responded.

"I'm not hungry." She replied flatly and snuggled the comforter.

"Please eat. I made it myself." I tried.

"Oh great. I bet there are weight loss pills crushed up and whisked into whatever you cooked." She scoffed.

Ouch. I deserve that.

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