Business With Mr. Douchebag (4)

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Nessuno's POV

"Sweetie, do you mind going through the new shipment and pricing the books?" Mr. Alsworth asked with his croaky voice.

"Of course Sir," I replied sweetly. He disappeared to the front of the store when the door chimed alerting us that someone was here. This place was huge, making it even more difficult to be the only employee. When new shipments arrive, I have the workers bring it to my office. It makes my life easier. They're really sweet guys so they don't mind doing it. Every now and then, I bring in treats for them. I don't bake often but when I do, I always share.

"Hello, Mr. Alsworth. My name is Ruben Victoriano. I am interested in renting your establishment for an event I have planned." I heard a familiar voice say. The color drained from my face as I recognized that haunting voice. Two days in a row? Seriously? It's official, the world hates me. I shut and lock the door to my office. It is vital that I stay hidden. I don't want to lose two jobs in one week. I really love this job. I go to work and open up my first box. The smell of new books filled my nose. Soft music from the speakers drowns out the conversation outside. I take a deep breath and allow the nostalgic scent to calm me down. I loved the smell of books, old and new. Each book has a set of documents that are sent via email. Mr. Alsworth doesn't handle anything via electronics. It's me who handles everything. I love doing it though. Yes, it is a lot of work but I quite enjoy it. Mr. Alsworth agreed to let me work during the entire week since I was fired from my other job. In reality, he needs extra help. The poor man is getting too old for this job. I'm pretty sure he's getting sick but when asked, he denies everything. I think he just doesn't want me to worry.

There's a knock on my office door. It's gentle and weak, so I know it's Mr. Alsworth. The question is, is he alone? Standing cautiously I walk over and open it to find Mr. Alsworth. I sighed in relief when he appeared alone.

"Who was at the door?" I feign ignorance.

"A nice man named Ruben Victoriano. He's renting the place for book signings. I want you to attend the events and make sure he doesn't do anything to my precious." He started hacking up something. Mr. Alsworth has trouble with his lungs. He has an inhaler that he carries and an oxygen tank that he keeps in his office. He doesn't like to seem weak so he keeps it in his office. I always argue with him telling him to carry his tank. He just dismisses me with a wave and carries on. I worry about the old man. He has no one to take care of him since his wife died. Her name was Helda, the founder of this bookstore. Mr. Alsworth told me that he worked three jobs to save up so he could buy this place for his wife. It took him 30 years to do so. Unfortunately, his wife died the day after the grand opening. His story is very depressing. He and his wife never had any kids. Thus he has no grand-kids. He often calls me the daughter he never had.

"Do you have information on the events?" I tried to remain polite despite having an internal anxiety attack. Silently I cursed like a sailor and began planning my death. I don't want to make an appearance. I know if I do, I would be out yet another job. No matter our relationship, I wasn't sure how strong Mr. Alsworth would be when it came to Ruben's money offer. He doesn't want fat pigs like me on this earth. Let alone working at the bookstore he just rented out.

Mr. Alsworth handed me a big stack of papers with shaky hands. I grabbed them and told him to head on home. It took some persuading but he finally went home. That poor man needs as much rest as he can get. Plus I plan on just closing early and working in my office alone. I set the stack of papers on my desk and return to the boxes in front of me. I was going to be here all night.


When the last box got priced I set out to place them where they went. As I was dragging the first set of books to their rightful place, the phone rang. I groaned loudly, causing it to echo around the store.

"Helda's bookstore," I answered in my customer service voice.

"Is Mr. Alsworth available?" Ruben's voice comes from the other end sending paralyzing chills through my body. My heart started pounding and I can feel the blood draining from my face.

"I'm sorry we are currently closed. Any inquiries can be sent to our email." I replied and started to hang up.

"I'm not sending any damn emails. I am working with Mr. Alsworth and I need to speak to him right now." He spat angrily.

"I'm sorry we are currently closed. Mr. Alsworthy has left me in charge. You may email us with any inquiries you have and I will respond promptly. Have a good night." I purposely try to sound overly sweet. Before he had a chance to respond, I hung up. Ruben is clearly not used to being told no. That man probably gets everything he wants with his looks and his money.

I returned to the task at hand. My mind races with what is to come. Disaster, that's what. Maybe by communicating by email, we can avoid conflict. I will NOT let that jerk take yet another job away from me.


My cell phone went off letting me know that I had an email. Considering I don't have a personal email set up, I know it's for the bookstore. Most likely Mr. Douchebag.

To: Helda's Bookstore
From: Ruben Victoriano

Subject: Book-signing.

Since you rudely hung up on me and refuse to discuss these things I expect everything to be handled more professionally than the phone call.

The attire for this event will be formal. I need to set a date with you on when we can do this. I plan on having my people come and do everything. Therefore you will not have to do anything but be there. Does that sound like something you can manage?

Ruben Victoriano

CEO of Victoriano Enterprises

To: Ruben Victoriano

From: Helda's Bookstore

Subject: RE: Book-signing

You can choose the date. I don't mind when we do it. Fortunately for you, my schedule has recently been cleared. I will make sure to wear a nice dress for the event. Do what you have to and let me know. I will try to reply when I can.

- Helda's Bookstore

I slid my phone back into my pocket and returned to my work. After another hour of hard labor, I am finished. I decide to take the stack of papers home to read so I can seem less like an idiot the next time I talk to him. Of course, Mr. Alsworth isn't going to read the fine print of everything so it is up to me to make sure he isn't taken advantage of. I can guarantee you he agreed to all of this without reading anything. It has already been proven to me that this man is a manipulative asshole who will do anything to get what he wants. Even if it means taking advantage of a lonely old man. I'll sit on him before I let any of that happen. 



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