When You Make Him Happy

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I Shall Add Snake And William Cuz They Don't Get Much Luv ;-;

Sebas Le Tian

It Was Around Midnight, Sebastian Was Laying Down On His Bed, Reading A Book While You Did Random Stuff In His Room.

You Were Rummaging Through His Closet, Which He Didn't Mind. You surprisingly found a pair of black cat ears and didn't hesitate to put them on.

He noticed this and immediately forgot he was reading a book. You twirled around, making various cat noises and laughing after that.

Finally, you noticed Sebastian staring at you with a smirk plastered on his face. You blushed out of embarrassment and quickly took the cat ears off, this dissapointed him so he sat up and motioned you to come near him. You obeyed and sat next to him on his bed, he gently put the cat ears back on your head and pecked you on the forehead.

Sebastian wrapped his pale arms around you and cuddled you close to him. Both of you stayed like this until he was satisfied.

Cielerdoodles The Flying Unicorn

Ciel was in his office, stressed out by the amount of paperwork he had to do. This saddened you, mostly because this is what he's been doing after many hours, not having time to rest.

You slowly made your way next you him and wrapped your arms around his waist while sitting on his lap. He was surprised by this but he quickly stopped doing his paperwork and wrapped his arms around you too, straddling you.

"What Do You Want, (Y/N)?" Ciel smirked as he held you tighter. "I Want a Hug!" You replied with the cute voice you always make to make him happy.

He smiled at this and put his chin on your head as he hugged you. "Are You Happy Now?" You asked, looking at his dark blue eyes. He smile and replied, "I'm always happy when I'm with you, (Y/N)."

Claude As Spiderman

You were sitting on Claude's lap while he watched you eat a lollipop you bought in a candy shop.

You enjoyed your candy, savoring the taste until you reached the core. An unexpected baby dinosaur noise escaped your mouth while you sucked on your lollipop. Claude found this adorable and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him. He buried his face on the crook of your neck while he mentally fangirled about your cuteness.

You didn't question this, since he was already a mystery to everyone.


Alois was very Pissed because of Hannah, and you wanted to make him happy. An idea popped into your head, so you wanted to make that idea happen.

While Alois was having a tantrum in his room, you snuck behind him and jumped on his back, surprising him.

After Alois processed what was going on, he immediately put his hands on your tigh, so he was carrying you piggyback-style. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck.

You heard him giggle and suddenly, he started hopping around, surprising you. You hugged him tighter, feeling yourself slip off his back. You finally relaxed and laughed with him as both of you collapsed on the bed, hugging each other. "I Love You, (Y/N)." Alois calmly stated, you smiled and kissed him on the nose. "I Love You Too, Alois."

Snek ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Author-Chan Passed Out From Nosebleeding After Writing 5 Minutes Into The Scenario. This Is The Only Part That Author-Chan Didn't Splash Blood On.

You were in Snake's tent, sitting on his bed while you watched him interact with his snakes. You wanted to spend time with him, but he didn't get the message. This saddened you, you were pondering with your palms on your chin.

"I miss my snuggle-buddy!" You accidentally blurted out loud. You quickly covered your mouth with your hands and blushed after realizing what you just said.

Before you knew it, Snake had pinned you on the bed, a surprising smirk on his face.

After That, There Was A Huge Amount Of Blood That We Barely See The Words.

William The Grumpy Dinosaur

You were sitting next to William while he reads a book, he was very entertained. Unlike you, you were so bored that you started making random noises. "Willyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-" You said out loud, This ticked William. Very, Very much.

"Do quiet down (Y/N)-Chan." He replied calmly, pushing his glasses up as he turned another page from his book. Your childish behavior triggered.

"Only If You Give Me A Kiiiiiissssssssssssssssssssss!" You teased, making more sounds that made William's nerve pop.

Suddenly, you felt a warm feeling on your cheek and realized William had kissed you on the cheek. "O-On The Lips!" You pouted like a child, he was teasing you.

William smirked and kissed you on the forehead. You blushed but quickly pouted again, wanting a kiss on the lips.

This continued on until he gave in and kissed you on the lips, shutting your mouth tight.

I Tried, Mkay? (ಥ_ಥ)
Well, I Hoped You Liked It... Maybe
I Should Try And Write Something Sexy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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