When He Gets Mad At You

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:ATTENTION: This Is A Two Part Story, This Is When He Gets Mad At You From The Requests And The Next One Will Be 'When He Makes It Up To You' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Sebastian and Claude were in a middle of a fight, that was when you accidentally got hit by one of Sebastian's silverware on your arm. You yelped in pain and dropped down on the floor, Sebastian had to take care of you so he raced next to you and stopped your bleeding. Now Claude had the chance to sneak into Ciel's Study and kidnap him.

Sebastian was too late, Ciel was already taken and it was because he had to help you. You looked up at Sebastian who was clearly pissed, "I-I'm Sorry-" You got cut off when he snapped his head at you. "Sorry? Sorry?! Sorry isn't going to help me get the young master back! I can't believe this... you clumsy little brat." He yelled and stood up, this was the first time he yelled at you, or even got mad at you. This clearly broke your heart and tears started to stream down your face. You got up and ran off, going anywhere but near him, you ran off into a deep part of the garden and cried.

You looked up and saw Sebastian run off to get Ciel back, you cried more as Sebastian's words pierced your heart.

Ciel Pantyhive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You were hanging out with Ciel, keeping him company while he did his paperwork. You got bored and randomly twirled around like a child, your twirling got intense and you accidentally hit Ciel's desk. The two of you watched in terror as the paperworks flew out the window and some scattered on the ground.

You were frozen on the spot, like someone had glued you to the floor. Ciel looked at you with shock in his eyes, soon replaced with anger.

"(Y/N)!! DID YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WORK I HAD TO PUT ON THAT PAPERWORK?! I CAN'T MANAGE MY COMPANY BECAUSE OF YOU! LEAVE MY SIGHT, YOU CLUMSY BRAT!" Ciel slammed his hands on the table and you stormed out, trying to hold back your tears.

You ran into your room and locked the door, automatically flopped down on your bed and cried into a pillow.

Alololis ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Alois was going to a ball with you, both of you were drinking tea while waiting for the carriage to be prepared.

"How Is Your Tea, (Y/N)?" Alois asked, taking a sip on his tea while his eyes were fixed on you.

You smiled, "It Tastes Splendid!" You slowly tried to place the cup down back on the table, but your hand slipped and accidentally spilled the tea all over the table and some on Alois' expensive and sensitive shorts. You stared at him in shock, watching his face turn mad. "(Y-Y/N)! THESE SHORTS ARE FRAGILE! I CAN'T BELIEVE-" Alois got cut off when Claude walked in. "The Carriage Is Ready, Your Highness." He bowed and walked off, Alois' face turned more angry. "NOW I'M GOING TO BE LATE! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO CHANGE NOW! YOU STUPID SCUM!" He got up harshly and stormed off into his room, with Claude Following Behind.

You ran off outside and into a small Forrest, tears streaming down your face as your white dress was caught in some branches and torn off, ripping it in different ways. You cried on a huge rock, sobbing loudly as Alois' hurtful words repeated over and over in your mind.

Cloud Feces ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You were walking through the long hallways of the Trancy Manor, Thinking about Claude, the questionable and mysterious head butler.

You wandered deep through your thoughts, not noticing Claude walking towards you, carrying his master's tea. You accidentally bumped into him, causing both of you to fall on the floor, you on top of Claude.

The tea was splattered everywhere and on Claude's uniform. Claude stayed emotionless and stood up, causing you to fall on your bottom.

He walked off back into the kitchen to make another cup of tea, and a change of clothes. Claude muttered something about you being very clumsy and walked off, leaving you sitting on the floor, dumbfounded.

He didn't even help you stand up, you frowned and stood up, brushing any dirt on your clothes. You walked off, quite sad because of how Claude acted.


No Snakes Were Harmed During The Making Of This Scenario

You were the most famous circus performer, you were the one who uses a bow and some arrows to shoot long distant destinations. Many people admiried you and tonight was the big night for you, so you practiced your arrow shooting on empty barrels.

You were very focused, you didn't notice a snake sloely crawl its way on top of a barrel where you aimed it. The snake opened its mouth and hissed at you, but you already shot an arrow. Amazingly, you shot the arrow directly in its mouth, making the snake bleed and die.
Snake came running in the scene and saw his lifeless pet. His eyes widened as he picked up the dead body with both his hands. "(Y-Y/N).... W-What Did You Do...? T-This Was Supposed To Be The Snake I Trained and Will Be Used For Tonight's Show.." He was clearly dissapointed, before you could mutter an apology, he already walked off with anger.

Even if he didn't lash out, you were scared and sad at the same time. You frowned and stood there in shock. The rain started pouring on you as you dropped down on the floor and hugged your knees as you quietly sobbed.

Welliam Le Wishing Well Wwwwwww ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You and William were partners for the next mission, the mission seemed easy enough, but luck was a bitch and both of you ran into a demon.

Right now, you and William were having a hard time fighting off the demon.

"WILLIAM!" You yelled as he got flung across the room and on a hard wall. You managed to pin down the demon with your scythe, you were ready to kill him, but the fiend demon kept taunting and mocking you with your dead parents as the subject. You knew that your parents were very loving, until they died in a house robbery. A tear streamed down your face as you dropped down on the floor, burying your face in your hands as you sobbed. The demon had the chance to devour the assigned soul and escape.

William healed from his injuries and let out a loud growl as he watched the demon disappear. "Now I Have To Write An Apology Letter and Get Unpaid Overtime Because Of You.." He muttered as he pushed his glasses uo with his scythe before hopping off out of the building you two were in, leaving you alone and a sobbing mess.


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