• A trip home • - Finny x Reader

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hellu it's been 69 years since I last updated :')))
I'm sorryy I literally had the longest writer's block ever
Don't forget dis book :')))))

Finny was tending the garden outside the manor until a certain raven haired man approached him from behind.

"Finnian", The man said.

Finny almost soiled his pants until he looked back and saw Sebastian. "O-Oh, it's just you, Sebastian." Finny gave a warm smile at the demon.

"The young master has ordered you to buy materials that would make the garden look more interesting." Sebastian said. "Also, bring our maid, (Y/N), to accompany you for your errands. We don't want anything bad to happen to you, like last time." Sebastian said, muttering out the last part.

Finny smiled wider and nodded, "Okay!" He exclaimed in joy. It's not that he was excited to go out, but he felt happy that you were to go along with him. You and Finny had been good friends ever since you joined the manor. Finny was the first person (Y/N) approached since Finny seemed nice and kind. (Y/N) was always so kind and helpful to Finny, and that's why he had developed feelings for her. Before Finny knew it, he fell in love with (Y/N).

"Finny? Hello! Are you there?" A certain sweet voice spoke, snapping Finny out of his daze. "A-Ah, (Y-Y/N)! S-Sorry about that.." Finny said, embarassed. His eyes laid upon your perfect (H/C) hair, and made its way to your shining bright (E/C) eyes that stared right back. It was like falling in love again.

"C'mon Finny! Let's go!" (Y/N) exclaimed, flashing a smile and dragging Finny by his wrist. "The shops sure are a long way from here.." (Y/N) said, while thinking of a faster way to travel. "Ah!" (Y/N) exclaimed, snapping her fingers. "Let's take my bike! Don't worry, I'll drive." (Y/N) said, dragging Finny to where her bike was placed.

It was an 80s styled bike, with two wheels attached to a wooden frame.
and no steering, directional control being limited to that attainable by leaning. (Y/N) hopped on the bike and Finny hesitantly sat on the wooden seat.

"It's gonna be a bumpy ride, so hold on tight!" (Y/N) exclaimed, slowly maneuvering the bike to gain speed. Finny gulped, he wasn't used to riding a bike, and he wasn't used to having a girl sit between his legs.

As the two of you made your way to the shops, poor Finny lost his innocence along the way.

= Le Time Skip =

"We're here!" (Y/N) exclaimed, hopping off the bike while Finny followed. (Y/N) placed her bike near a pole and tied it with a rope in case some people have nosy hands.

Finny went through shops to get the materials he needed. While you two were busy shopping, both of you didn't realize you and Finny's intertwining hands. The people who passed by felt awe when they saw the two of you, "What a cute couple!"

(Y/N) and Finny quickly retracted your hands and blushed in embarrassment.

The two of you shared laughs while running errands. Like the time when (Y/N) played with a bouquet of flowers and some petals got in her hair. Finny brushed some petals away with his hand, making (Y/N) blush.

An hour passed and you and Finny were done with your errands. The two of you hopped on your bike. Finny got used to the unholy position the two of you were in.

As you two got home, you were greeted by Sebastian. Finny handed the materials to Sebastian. "Very good, Finnian and (Y/N)." Sebastian said, smiling a little. "I'll make sure (Y/N) always accompanies you with your errands from now on."

It was obvious that you and Finny were excited that you two could spend more time together.

After Sebastian left to attend other matters, Finny approached you slowly.

"Hey, (Y/N).. Can I tell you something?" Finny asked, a blush forming on his cheeks. You looked at him in confusion, "Sure!"

"I-I.. l-like you. Y-Y'know.. More than a friend.." Finny said, blushing more after each word. "I l-liked you ever since I saw you."

You blushed a lot. "R-Really? I do, too! I thought you didn't feel the same way until now!" You exclaimed in jome hugging the boy. Finny blushed and hugged back, "T-That's good to hear!"

"So, (Y/N).. Will you be with me forever?"

"Of course."

The two of you shared a hug, not aware of Ciel and Sebastian watching you two through a window.

"Young master.."

"Yes, Sebastian?"

"Why can't we be like that?"

lol sorry not sorry for the yaoi ending 😂

miss me with that gay shit-

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