5 - New Girl

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"He's got a new girlfriend?" you exclaim.

Duncan laughs at your reaction. "Yeah, didn't you know? I thought everyone in the office knew."

You frown. "Did he tell everyone?"

Duncan shrugs. "Pretty much, yeah."

You laugh your confusion off, but really, there's a million questions bouncing around in your mind, and that achy feeling in your throat's returned.

"I wonder why he didn't tell me," you think out loud.

"Me too," Duncan says. "I guess he didn't get round to it."

"Yeah, probably. How long has he been going out with this new girlfriend, then?"

"About a week, maybe? Not long at all."

"Where did he meet her?"

"I dunno. Ask him."

How has Lewis kept this from you for a whole week? Has he been keeping it from you deliberately?

"Ellie, you said her name was?"


"She looks nice," you say honestly. Nicer than me, anyway, you think bitterly, and immediately feel guilty afterwards.

"Yeah, she's actually pretty hot," Duncan chuckles.

"Have you met her yet?"

"Yeah, her, Lewis and me went down to the pub the other day." Duncan checks his watch casually. "She's a bit scary, to be honest."

"A bit scary?" you laugh. "How?"

"She seems a little... strict, maybe. A bit hard on Lewis. It's good he's got a thick skin, Jesus..."

"You're making it sound like she's abusive," you chuckle. "Welp. Good luck to Lew Lew, then."

"Yeah," Duncan laughs. "Don't tell him I said this, but he's probably going to need it."

You smile to mask your confusion, because you're still thinking about Duncan's words.

He's probably going to need it.


The pain in your throat still hasn't subsided, five hours later. You'd found it hard to gulp down your dinner. And you know exactly what the pain is.

It's the pain of tears.

Because Sips and (Y/B/F/N) were right. You should have taken your chance when you had it.

Blinking back the slight moisture in your eyelids, you stare at your phone, scrolling through various pictures, texts and videos, without really looking at them at all, because your mind's elsewhere.

Before you turn your phone off, you send Sips and (Y/B/F/N) a text - the same text for both of them.

You were right.

Too tired to explain the text further, you left it at that, and turned off your phone, placing it gingerly on your bedside table.

And that's when the tears come.

Because you've been holding them back for ages now, and the pain's been getting unbearable. And now you're alone, you don't have to hold up the dam. And the dam's broken, now.

You've never cried loudly. You've had enough complaints about noise from the landlord already, so you keep it quiet - it's more muffled sobbing than crying.

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