10 - Return Trip

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"You'll never guess what happened."

"Yeah? Did you finally find another guy?"

"No! I made up with Lewis - and -"

"Whoa, wait. Slow down. You made up with him?"


"Jesus Christ. You're not very good at holding grudges for long, are you? Well, go on then. Explain."

You find yourself grinning as you talk into the phone, explaining how he was being harassed by some fans, so you stepped in, and then he thanked you and explained how he'd been under pressure from his girlfriend -

"And then he kissed me on the cheek, and hugged me."

"And you're not making this up," (Y/B/F/N) says.

"Nope. It all happened."

"Well, that's really good, right? Maybe there's a chance of you and him, you know..."

"Oh, yeah. And then I told him I was going to go back to the hotel early, and he said he'd walk me back. And when we got back, we chatted for a bit in his room."


"And he just casually mentioned how - how loads of fans were asking whether me and him were together or not. And then he said we could come across like that - and he said it'd be possible. We could be together if we wanted to be."

"Sounds like he likes you."

You smile. "Maybe. I don't know though. He's a complicated guy - it's the sort of thing he'd say to any girl he's close friends with."

"Right. Well, I'm really pleased for you, (Y/N). That's great."

"Thanks." You hesitate, replaying the night's events in your mind. "And then he tickled me."

"Jesus. Sounds like you had a crazy night."

"It was, actually. And then he ended up on top of me."

"Are you or him drunk, by any chance?"

"Nope. Lewis said he only had two or three pints."

"Well, he's tiny, isn't he?"

"He said he's not a lightweight. He, uh, drinks a lot of gin."


"I know."

"Hm. Well, I'm really glad you two made up."


"I'll let you get some sleep then. You're coming back tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, about eight in the evening."

"I'll see you then - but before I go, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah?" You find yourself pressing your phone more tightly to your ear, as if it'll help you hear her question better.

"Are you going to ask Lewis out any time soon? Because it sounds like you've picked up a lot of confidence recently. And confidence is good, if you actually do something with it."

You sigh. "Maybe. I don't know - probably not in the next, like, week or so. I'll think about it. Because..." You hesitate. "I don't know. I'll talk to you Monday, alright?"

"Okay then, see you!"

That night, for once, you have no problem getting to sleep at all. 

And neither does Lewis.


"You missed a good night, you know."

"Thanks, Trott," you say sarcastically, not looking behind you as you walk over to the main building. "How was it, anyway?"

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