23 - If Things Had Gone Right

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A/N: This is sort of a recap of all that's happened in the story so far! So you'll most likely recognize a lot of the dialogue here - but with a few changes. 

At the top of each reused dialogue, I've put the chapter it's from so you can go back and read it if you want. :) 

It doesn't make much sense without context, so it'd probably be best to at least skim through the bit I based the section on. :)


Wake up. I'm still waiting here for you...


(4 - Talks)

"You didn't have to invite me in, you know," Lewis says.

"You didn't have to give me a lift all the way home. I guess we're even then," you reply.

He chuckles. "Yeah." But it sounds forced and wrong.

"Are you alright?" you ask.

He shakes his head. "To be honest, no."

It breaks your heart to see him upset. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," you say, because even though you desperately want to know, you'd never forgive yourself if you pressured Lewis into telling you.

He doesn't seem to mind, though. "No, I'll tell you. So, I know I should have told you earlier, but there's this girl I met..."

You keep your expression neutral, hoping it's not too obvious that you're heart's sinking.

"... But, well, I really liked her when I met her. But she's not the one."

You raise an eyebrow, use all your willpower to stop yourself from pumping your fists and celebrating. "You can just tell?"

He nods. "Yeah. And, well..." He laughs, and it puts you at ease. "She's a bit pushy," he admits.

You laugh too, because it sounds so innocent and childish coming out of his mouth. 

"I know it's cheesy," you say. "But go with your heart. Because she's obviously not making you happy, so it'd probably be best if you told her how you felt. Because if you do it later, it'll make it even harder for both of you."

He smiles a little sadly. "Thanks. You give great advice, you know, man."

"You're welcome," you say. "I'm sure you'll find your girl one day."

He looks up at you with an expression you've never seen on him before. 

"Maybe I already have."

Black curtains fade in on your vision.


You wake up with a start - or, at least you think you do.

You're in the white room again. Flickers of memories of your old flat and Lewis swirl around aimlessly in your mind - but already, you're losing them. Funny how you can never remember what you've dreamed about.

Because that's all it must have been. You must have been dreaming.

Then why did it seem like you'd been there before?

Before you can contemplate further, a figure materializes from the swirling smoke in front of you - someone tall, someone who looks very familiar...

Alright mate, Smith smiles. I'm back.

"Hi Smith," you say. 

Miss me? he asks.

"Of course," you reply. "It's lonely as hell here. And I just had the weirdest dream, Smith..."

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