8 - Insomnia

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It's seven in the morning when you get to the office - it's still fairly dim outside, but luckily, it's not raining. Score.

One by one, others start arriving - when Duncan arrives, Kim gets here vlogging camera out.

"What's in that massive suitcase, Dunc?" she whispers.

"I beg your pardon?" he says, pulling a weird face. He grins at you, and you can't help but burst out laughing - which, of course, makes Kim turn the camera to you.

"And here's (Y/N), laughing her head off at a very poorly executed innuendo on Duncan's part," Kim says casually. 

"It was the face," you laugh. "The face he pulled. Dunc, do it again to the camera."

He obeys, and this time Kim starts laughing. 

"Be careful you don't drop the camera," you add.

"How dare you! I'm always caref- whoops." She steadies the camera again.

"I can tell," you say tartly. "Turps is here now. Maybe you can vlog each other's vlogs."

"Ooh, sounds fun," Kim says sarcastically - but she moves over to Turps all the same.

"Is everyone here?" Mark shouts over the rumble of conversation in the room. He takes the lack of an answer from anyone as a yes. "Off we go then!"

You make a note to grab a window seat before anyone else can.


Unfortunately, you're one of the last ones out - by the time you get to the coach, there's only about three seats left, fairly close to the front, which you don't actually mind.

But when you reach the aisle, you realise Lewis is sat on one side, next to one of the free seats - and he's looking pretty upset, for some reason. He's leaning on his arm, gazing out of the window. You'd feel awkward sitting next to him even if you were on good terms with him.

"Alright, Lewis?" you ask, just to be kind to him in the presence of everyone else.

It takes him a few seconds to register it's him you're talking to. "Mm? Oh, yeah. I'm okay." And he turns back to his window again.

You sit yourself opposite his aisle, setting your bags down next to you, and dig your phone out of your pocket to send Sips a text, ignoring the pain in your wrist as you twist it.

Any idea why Lewis is really upset today? 

And then you pocket it again, just as the coach starts moving.

Three hour long journey, apparently. You're probably not going to be able to cope...


"We've got the All Stars quiz thing tonight, haven't we?" you hear Smith ask Trott from the seats directly behind you.

"Yeah," you answer automatically. 

"Nice," he says, leaning forward to look at the back of your head. "Do you know what the teams are?"

"You fucking try-hard, Smith," you laugh, turning around to look at them through the gap in the seats. "No, I don't. I think you guys are going to get split up, though."

"Who's being split up?"

"Trott, I reckon. That's what I saw on the list thing, anyway."

"Aw, not ol' Trottymouse," Smith says sadly, throwing an arm around Trott's shoulders. Trott keeps on tapping on his phone absently, without taking any notice. 

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