19 - Life Living With Lewis

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You look up, completely unsurprised to see Lewis standing in the doorway of your new room, already dressed, hair done and everything. 

He grins. "Okay night?"

"Yeah, it was alright," you say. "Why the fuck are you up so early?"

He shrugs. "This is normal time for me." 

You shake your head. "When are you leaving?"

"Few minutes," he says. "Just need to check some last minute things. Are you coming in today?"

You shake your head. "Saturday's like, my break day. You should know that by now."

He nods. "Okay."

You draw your knees up to your chest from under your duvet. "Well? You going?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm just considering whether I should trust you or not home alone."

You roll your eyes. "I'm not a kid, Lewis."

"Could've fooled me," he says. He sighs. "Guess I've got no choice. But if I come home to a burnt down flat, (Y/N), I'm not going to be happy."

"I know, I know," you grumble.

"And try not to break anything."


His face splits into a cheeky grin. "I'm just kidding you. I trust you." He looks around behind him, around his apartment. "You know where everything is, right?" You nod, and he continues: "I've got some food lying around in the fridge, if you get hungry. Or we can go down to the coffee place for lunch. I can walk from the office, you can drive over, if you want...?"

You shake your head. "Thanks, but I'm too lazy."

He grins, effectively hiding his secret disappointment. "Thought so. Anyway, have a good day."

"Good day," you repeat, in a scratchy southern accent.

"You've been hanging around Hat Films for too long," he smirks. "Good day," he mimics.

"Shut up," you mutter, and he laughs. 

"See you."

"See you later, shitlord."


You feel slightly relieved when the door shuts - you'd forgotten how different it was living with someone else. 

You get up, shower and dress, and then scour the cupboards for breakfast. Lewis is pretty well stocked up - he must have gone shopping the day before so he had enough for both of you, bless him. You settle with cereal.

Usually after a meal, you're not too fussed about clearing up - but you feel obliged to now, because it's technically someone else's household. It takes you a moment to find the dishwasher and figure out where to put things, but eventually, you manage it.

It still hasn't quite dawned on you that this will be your home for the next - well, at least a month. Speaking of which, you need to go house-hunting, or flat-hunting, or whatever you want to call it. But maybe later. For now, you've got some stuff to do.

Lewis' flat is completely and utterly immaculate - you don't know if he cleared up especially for your arrival or something, or if he's just generally a neat freak - maybe a mix of both - but it's impossibly clean, and so unlike your previous home. Maybe you could learn something from Lewis. Not that you'd ever admit that to him.


It's Saturday, so Lewis doesn't have to stay late to stream or do any big recording sessions. He gets back at around 6.

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