26 - Back at Yogtowers

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"Right," Lewis says, getting out of the car. "I don't think anyone's seen you yet." He glances up at the windows. "The coast is clear," he announces.

You take a moment to look at the office building. It's strange, but seeing it makes you feel safe and relaxed - weird, because it's your workplace, but then again it's also where you spend most of your life. It's where you've met all these wonderful people that you've grown so close to over the years - like Kim, Sjin, Sips, Hannah, Smith...


You sigh contentedly.

Lewis grins at you. "Missed this place?"

"You don't know the half of it."

He nods, then presses his finger to his lips, motioning for you to be quiet. He enters in the code for the door and steps through, with Sips right behind him. You follow them up the stairs, until they come to a stop outside the common room - straining your ears a little, you can just make out the murmur of chatter inside. There's definitely more people in there than usual at this time of day.

Lewis leans in and whispers to you: "I told them all to meet in here for a briefing. They don't have a clue what's going on."

You try, and fail, to suppress the tingling sensation you get from the feeling of Lewis' breath, hot against your ear and cheek .

"Smart," you whisper back.

"I know."

Sips places a hand on the doorknob. "On three, you burst through the door and shout surprise at them," he says to you. "Got it?"

You nod, unable to suppress a grin. You can't wait to see the look on their faces.

"One, two -"

Lewis catches your eye, and smiles reassuringly, and for a moment, you're frozen to the spot - you'd forgotten how he has this annoying effect on you. You smile back nervously, hoping your blush isn't too obvious, and turn back to the door.

"Three!" Sips shouts, opening the door, and you push your way through. Immediately, the whole room goes dead silent, and all eyes turn to you - and God, there's a lot of people in here. Sjin, Duncan, Hannah, Kim, Hat Films, all the editors and admin guys - and they all have the same expression of shock, confusion and amazement on their faces - it's almost laughable. Apart from Smith, who's grinning at you from ear to ear.

You outstretch your arms and beam at all of them. "Surprise!"

You haven't even finished speaking when everyone in the room suddenly dashes at you and mobs you, and the air is filled with shrieks and cries and cheers. You feel arms close round you and voices in your ears, and you're not sure who it is - it's probably more than one person - but it's the most phenomenal feeling, even if you are unused to the attention. It's like being mobbed by excited schoolchildren. Usually being surrounded and shouted at like this would make you uncomfortable, but all you can feel is the sheer joy of being reunited with these people. 

"Guys, ease off her!" Lewis shouts from the door. "Give her some space!"

The voices eventually die away and everyone steps back a little, giving you some room to breathe. Now you can see everyone, you realize there's a few faces you're sure you don't recognize - probably new members from while you were... away

You smile gratefully at Lewis, who nods back.

"(Y/N), we missed you so much!" Kim gushes.

"We were all so worried for you, we didn't know if you were going to ever be able to come back!" Alex the editor adds.

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