16 - The Aftermath

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A/N: Linked a livestream with a timestamp above :) watch from 1:12:26 until 1:14:40. It. Is. Amazing.

Also, this chapter has a very, VERY big Smith/reader element. So you Smith fangirls, this chapter's probably for you. :)

You remember the feel of Lewis' lips on yours, his tight grip on your shoulders. It felt all wrong. It made you shiver inside, for all the wrong reasons.


You look up, mentally shaking yourself out of your daydream.

"Yeah, sorry?"

Sjin smiles comfortingly. "You spaced out a bit, that's all. I got worried."

"Nice of you," is all you can think of to say. 

You're in the Yogscast booth, waiting for everyone else to turn up - so far, only you, Sjin, Kim and a few others have arrived. Everyone's probably still recovering from last night.

Especially Lewis - he's going to be completely fucked up.

"Did you run into Lewis last night?" you ask, grinning.

Sjin shrugs. "If I did, I was too drunk to recognise him."

You whistle. "You feeling it today?"

"More than ever," he says a little sadly, hand moving to his head, which is probably aching badly. "Why? What did Lewis do?"

"Oh, he only went and got completely and utterly shitfaced," you say casually. 

"Just the usual, then," Sjin grins. "How's it between you and him, anyway?"

"Oh, it's fine," you say truthfully, smiling awkwardly. "We're on good terms with each other. I just need to pick up the confidence to - well, you know..."

You've already decided that you're telling absolutely no one - not even Sips, or your best friend - about what happened with Lewis the night before, or your thing with Smith. Because it's the sort of thing that's so personal, so secret, so intimate, that telling would feel like a crime.

And when Lewis arrives, you're going to have a very awkward conversation with him.

You watch as Turps arrives, followed by Smith, who gives you a sneaky wink as he walks by, and Ross. You can tell immediately that they're all very, very hungover.

"Don't even talk to me," Turps says, when you approach him. 

"What have I done?" you protest.

"Not a single pint!" he exclaims. "You didn't drink a thing. And then there's us, all suffering."

"Sounds like she made the right call here, though," Ross says, clutching his head. "This is fucking horrible."

And then Lewis walks in. 

He gives you a tired smile as he approaches, chucking his backpack to the side. 

"Okay?" you ask him.

"No," he sighs. "I feel like shit. I'm so fucking hungover. And I don't remember a thing that happened last night."

Something clicks inside you. "You don't remember a thing," you repeat.

He shakes his head. "I just remember I had a lot of gin."

"Well, you're right there," you grin, and he laughs. 

Your mind's in turmoil. Lewis... doesn't remember? So he doesn't remember what happened? 

"You don't remember anything you did?" 

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