20 - Party Prep

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It's been two weeks since you moved in with Lewis; since then, you've grown a lot more comfortable living there, to the point that you're actually going to miss this when you finally find a new house. But then again, you'll still visit this flat - it's not as if you'll never see it again.

As for house-hunting - it hasn't been wholly unsuccessful. You've got a few places in mind that you've visited, but you're still deciding. Might take another few weeks or so.

You're in bed, staring up at the ceiling, when your phone rings. You reach out an arm blindly to pick it up from the bedside table, and answer it.

"'Ello?" you say.

"(Y/N)," Sips says. "You know what day it is today, right?"

And then you remember.


"It's Lewis' birthday," you say a little weakly.

"Oh, come on, you could be a bit more excited about it," Sips laughs. "So, I'll see you at the Crown at eleven, right?"

You pause. "What?"

"Did no one tell you? We're all meeting up at the Crown to plan out the party thing."

"Eleven," you repeat. "What's the time now?"

A pause. "Um, half ten?"


"I'll leave you to get ready, yeah?" Sips laughs.

"Yeah," you say, leaping out of bed to get ready. "See you."


"There she is," Ross says cheerily as you sit yourself down. 

"Shut up," you sigh. "I only found out about this about half an hour ago - no thanks to you, Sips," you add, glaring at him. 

He raises his hands up in mock-surrender. "Hey, I thought Smith told you about it."

"Oi, don't pin this on me!" Smith protests.

Almost everyone from the office is here - Turps, the Hats, a few of the editors, Kim, Duncan, Sjin - the list goes on.  

"So," Sips says. "We've already assigned jobs, right? Duncan, Kim and Sjin, you're in charge of decorations - balloons and all that fancy shit. Hats, you're on snacks and drink..." 

He goes through a whole list of people - you're impressed he's managed to remember everyone's roles. 

"So, that's everyone, I think," he smiles. "Let's get cracking."

Everyone stands up and separates into their assigned groups, ready to get to work.

"Wow, you've really got this all planned out," you say, impressed.

"Thanks," Sips says. 

"One question, though."


"What the fuck am I doing?"

"Oh." He grins, and that's when you know you should be worried. "Oh, you've got a special role."

You raise an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

He nods. "You're going to distract Lewis while we get everything set up."

Your jaw drops. "You're kidding, right?"

He shakes his head. "Sorry. But - we took a vote earlier. Everyone agreed you'd be the best to do it."

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