22 - Hospital

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A/N: This is a pretty sad chapter, and it might be confusing to some. I hope you sort of get an outline of what's going on. Enjoy! :)


"I'm sorry," Smith choked. "I am so, so sorry..."

I buried my face into his shoulder. I could almost feel the people around me staring at me with sympathy; usually, I'd be embarrassed as hell, but at that moment, I couldn't care less.

"Smith," I whispered. "This is all my fault."

"You," he answered back, arms tightening around me reassuringly, "had nothing to do with this."

I stayed silent, pretending I believed it.

"We've got to tell everyone," I said. I leaned back, wiping my face with my sleeve. "Oh my God, Sips, we left him back there with no idea what was happening..."

I looked at Smith, and realised I hadn't been the only one crying. It looked alien, all wrong for me, because this was Smith, the guy who set fire to a warehouse, the guy who went airsofting almost every weekend, the guy who I had never even considered had cried, or would cry, ever.

Smith took a long, deep breath, calming himself. "Lewis, I hate to say it, but there's nothing else we can do. We've got to get back and tell everyone what's happened - you should let (Y/N)'s friends and family know too. They'll have no idea what's going on."

I nodded. At least someone knew how to keep a cool head in situations like these. "Okay. Let's do that."



It's like you're dreaming.

That's the only way to describe it. You're moving, raising your arms to check they're still there, but at the same time, you're not moving. You're seeing, seeing a world of white and nothingness, but at the same time you're not seeing. And you're feeling, feeling your own existence in this world, but at the same time, you're not feeling anything at all.

You wonder if this is what death feels like. A world of white - yes, you're in heaven. Maybe you did have a good enough life after all - maybe you did do some good in that world. You smile to yourself (but at the same time, you're not smiling).

And then a voice from nowhere says, hello.

"Hello," you try to say back, but you're speaking without sound.

It's Hannah.

A blur forms in front of you, a coil of smoke that twists around itself to form a vaguely humanoid shape, which solidifies, and - there's Hannah. Standing opposite you, blue eyes and blonde hair and faint grin. She's wearing what you last remember seeing her wearing - simple jeans and a Resident Evil T-shirt. 

You wonder what she's come to talk to you about.

Oh my God, I'm so, so sorry this happened to you, she says. 

"But I'm fine," you say back, but she either ignores you or doesn't hear.

I just want you to wake up. A pause. Everyone at the office, they're worried sick. Loads of people have even put content on hold, they're so worried about you. I can't believe this happened. I still...

"But I'm awake, and I'm okay," you protest. "They shouldn't worry about me."

... can't take in that it's happened to you. To us.

"What's happened?" you ask.

The doctors say you can hear me.

"Well - duh..."

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