28 - The End p2

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As Lewis turns off the ignition, he looks up at you suddenly, and a warm smile spreads across his face.

"What're you thinking about?" you ask.

He shrugs. "Nothing. It's just nice to be able to look at you and appreciate how beautiful you are for once without, you know, being scared you're going to turn round and get creeped out by me randomly staring at you."

You laugh gently. "Likewise, Lewis."

The gaze lingers for a moment longer. Only about half an hour ago, you'd been on the brink of tears, thinking of running to escape it all - and now, fast forward to the present, here you are, staring at Lewis Brindley. Your boyfriend.

You think to yourself again, not for the first time - not for the last - what on earth have you done to deserve this?

Seeing the look in Lewis' eyes, you realize he's probably thinking something very similar of you.

And then he says, "As much as I love looking at you, we've got a Canadian to interrogate."

"Good point," you agree, and you get out of the car.

You hear faint voices as you follow Lewis up the stairwell, one of which you're pretty sure is Trott's. As you near the door to the common room and the voices get louder, Lewis looks back at you and smiles comfortingly, curling his fingers around the handle. You nod - let's do this - and he opens the door.

Trott and Ross stop talking and turn to you and Lewis standing in the doorway.

"Alright, lads," Ross says, a questioning look on his face that says, what the hell are you doing here in our room at eight o'clock at night?

"Where's Sips?" you ask.

Trott looks behind him, gesturing to Smith's corner of the room. "Right th-"

"Chris Daniel Lovasz," Lewis growls, barging past Trott and Ross - and sure enough, there, behind the desk standing next to Smith, is the Canadian bastard himself, in all his glory. "You -"

"Hey, what the fuck!" Sips protests, backing up to the wall as he takes in Lewis' murderous expression. "What's come over you man, what -"

"Lewis tells me you've been an excellent wingman," you interrupt, making your way across the room to stand next to Lewis.

Sips' eyes widen. "Oh," he realizes. "Oh, shit..."

"Um, should we go?" Smith asks, gesturing to the door and giving Trott and Ross a helpless look.

"It's been at least a year," Lewis says, ignoring Smith, "that you've known we've liked each other - and you didn't even say a word about it to either of us!"

Sips winces. "Hey, please," he says weakly. "Hear me out -"

"I've spent countless nights lying awake worrying about this," Lewis says, voice dangerously low, "And turns out you knew this whole time, and could have told me at any point -"

"Lewis, look -"

"I asked you ages and ages ago if Lewis liked me or not and you said you didn't know," you recall. "But that wasn't true, was it?" (A/N: see chapter 2)

"Please, guys," Sips says suddenly, much louder than before; even Smith flinches a little in surprise. "Listen." 

In your peripheral vision, Lewis opens his mouth, probably to voice his refusal, but you squeeze his hand gently, and he gets the message, falling silent again. 

"Don't you think," Sips begins, "that if I'd told you both right from the start that I knew you liked each other, you wouldn't be as close as you are now?"

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