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 I looked over to the referee and out of breath I asked, "ref, how much time?"

he put up two fingers indicating two minutes left. Ok. Good. We can score in two minutes.

The score was currently 0-0 and this is championships. Whoever wins this game gets to go play in a huge tournament in San Clemente, California. 

As I was absorbed in my thoughts, I heard my best friend and teammate, Sierra, call my name and pass the ball up to me. I ran after it and was quickly followed by the defenders of the opposing team. One stepped in front of me but I did a double scissor  and easily passed her. Then it was a one on one with the keeper. I cut to the left and shot the ball. The keeper dived to the opposite end of the goal and the ball went into the gaol. I scored. My teammates ran over to me and dog piled me. With only 30 seconds lefts in the game, we had already won.... which means I am going to San Clemente!


2 weeks later-

I arrived at the San Clemente airport with my best friends on my team this morning. We went out exploring for a few hours and it turns out, it isn't that different from Texas.

I've heard rumors of how everywhere you go there's a celebrity. Well, it seems everywhere I go there's normal people. The only difference is probably the weather and the beaches.

I've been in my hotel room alone for about an hour when I hear music start to play.

'Your insecure! Don't know what fo-'

My ring tone. Yea, I'm a directioner. And I'm proud.


"Krista, where are you? Practice started an hour ago. Where the fuck are you?"


"Krista, you realize you missed warmup and I had to work with smelly Shelly"

'Smelly' Shelly, is a girl on our team. Her name is Michele but her nickname is Shelly...and she kinda smells...

"Sorry. Coach excused me from practice today. He sai-"

....interrupted again

"What? That's not fair!"

"Sorry! I don't know why. He just said I didn't have to come today. Something about try outs for some coed club team.."

"Krista, do you not realize what he was talking about?"


"I think he was talking about SCFC. San Clemente Fubol Club. Literally the best soccer club in the country"

"But- I wanna stay on our Texas team. I love you guys."

"I know you do, but this is your dream and- I'll talk to you later. Water breaks over. I love you Krista."

"Love you too! Bye!"

And with that we hang up. If what she said was true, how my coach wants me to try out for California's coed team..I don't know what to think. It's a huge opportunity. Some of my role models started in that club. 

Well, I don't even know if that's what he meant..


'Its gotta be youuuuuuuuuu-'

That's my coaches ring tone..

"Hello? Krista Suarez speaking."

"Hi Krista, it's Coach Mark. I have some really big news I need to tell you. Can you meet me at my hotel when practice is over? It should end in about five minutes."

"Uhhh, sure? Of course I'll meet you-"


Does freaking everyone interrupt?


"I need you to bring your club contract and personal information with you.."

"Umm..ok. I'll be right over"

And with that the line was dead.

What did he want from me? Did I do something wrong? Am I being kicked off the team?! Nah, I won the championship, he can't afford to lose me. Maybe Sierra was right..why else would I need my contract and personal information?

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