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Okay guys. I have finally come out with another, kinda short chapter. I'm afraid I kinda have to out it on hold because I'm just too busy now. I'm not doin quite as well in school as I used to. I have club soccer that I focus all my time and energy on. I recently made it onto my schools academic decathlon team. I also do Girl Scouts. I have zero time to write now. I'll update when I can. If I can get 2+ comments and 2+ likes I'll update. No matter how busy I am I'll find a way to update. Thx for reading me fanfic and I'm really hoping you enjoy it. :*

(Kristas pov)

"Heeeeeeeey guuuuuuuuuuys!! It's meeeeeeeeee, saaaaaaaaaaaam!!" Sam screamed I to the camera. "And this weeks o2l theme is..... Drum roll.... Random week! This week I decided to do a question and answer. I'm gonna tweet u guys asking you guys to ask me questions so I can ask me surprise guest...if that even makes sense! but umm, yea. So if u guys have questions tag it #asksampottorff and me and my guest will try and answer as many questions as possible. So let's move on, that's too formal.... Let's get moving you 'beeep' I'm just kiddin with u guys! *makes funny face* so this week my guest is none other than Krista Star Suarez!!!!" I was too busy starring at Sam to notice he had said my name. Was I falling fir him? If I was, I was falling hard. "Kristaaaa! Wakey wakey!" I then snapped out of my thoughts. "Ohh, uhh, hi...what are your fans called?" "Well, I mean....we have our Lawlorrfs but that's with kian and me. So I gues these guys are. Uh, I don't know. I guess just fans for now." Wow, no fan name? Ok. "Ok...well, hi sammers hammers! I'm Krista!" Sam started to laugh SOOO hard. "SAMMERS HAMMERS!!! That's the most funny thing I've ever heard!!!" "Yea, ok. Let's just look at the questions you guys sent in" i was kinda embarrassed by my lame fan name.


Sam was scrolling through the questions that he "hammers" had sent him, and he kinda froze on one specific question. He turned really red. "What's the question Sam??" "It's a surprise!" Ew. I hate surprises. "Can we start answering them at least?!" I had no patience. "Ok, I'm ready. Some are really weird though." Is okaaaay! I dunt miiind! I just wanna start noooow!" You see, no patience. "Ok, then get over here so we can start!" I went over and sat In front of the camera with Sam. I'm not camera shy so I can make a complete fool out of myself. "Are we gonna start Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? Sam? SAM?!" He was just starring off into space....

"Whaa? Oh. Yea, let's start. So umm, first question. Shoutout out to @iconic_fever_101 her question is. Oh gawd! This one is for u Krista!!!" Sam started laughing really hard and I got scared. "Is it really that bad?" "Nah, not awful." "Ok, what is it then? I'm gonna die if you don't tell me. I will walk over to the fridge and eat mustered and die!" "Wtf! How can you die from mustered?!" "It is the most disgusting thing in the word. Don't judge me!" "Sorry, but I'm judging you! Anyways, the question is... When's the last time you kissed a boy? I bet you haven't kissed anyone yet! I mean, it's you! Who would kiss you?!? Lawl! Just kiddin! But really, who would kiss you." He looked so sure of himself. Ha! "Actually Sam, I have had my first kiss. And second, and third, and fourth, and fif-" "ok! I get it!!! You're a playa!!!" "Nerp!! I just have a great boyfriend... Well... Had. But whateves. He was my first and last! CHING!" "Ching? Did you seriously just say Ching? WEIRDO! Ok, next question. This one is from... @krisduhhh omgeeeez! That's your name! Twins! Anyway. @krisduhhh asks 'favorite you tuber and why?'" "THATS SOOO EASY!!" I'm pretty sure I yelled that out loud, like, really loud cause Sam covered his ears. "Obviously jacksgap or troye Sivan!! They be my faves!!" I'm in love with them. Even Sam doesn't compare. "Ok, I've never actually met someone that crazy about them. They're cool guys. But my favorite youtuber is probably... Umm... Oh! I've taken a liking of that guy, what's his name?" "TROYE SIVAN!!!" "No, not troye. Plus, he's got Tyler." "Pish-posh! If troye took a look at me he would fall in love. Shaddup. But I do ship tryoler. No matter how much I love troye." "Yea, ok. I honestly don't think well get through many questions... Idk my favorite youtuber so let's just move on. This one is from @im_not_a_stalker_but_i_watch_u_sleep. Who has time to type that? Their question is.... Who is your celeb crush? Mine is Selena Gomez." "Oooh! Mine is Harry styles, and Niall Horan, and josh Hutcherson, and Jason Smith, and Troye Sivan, and Madison Alamia, and Logan Lerman, and-" "uhhh... Krista, how many people do you like?" "Not even half way through... Next question!!" Yep. Like I said, complete fool of myself. "Ok, the next question is from.. Oh, no name. Ok the questions is, 'are you single? And if not, who are you dating? And if if u r single, do u have a crush? And on who?' Dang it! Ever heard the term curiosity kills the cat?" "Yea but... A cat has nine lives so IN YO FACE!" This is the real me. A goof ball. An idiot. "Ill answer first," Sam turned slightly red at this question. "I'm currently single. If you haven't heard, me a Kenzie just broke up. But I do have a crush on a certain girl but I'm not ready to say who just yet. Maybe later." Who the heck is Kenzie? And why am I jealous of her? And why do I hope the girl he likes is me? "Ok I'll answer. Me is a SINGLE PRINGLE!!" Me is a single Pringle? Ever heard of little thing called grammar?" "Of course I have, want me to finish the question or not?" He gave me the carry in look. "I thought so. Yerp. Me and Carter broke it off about three months ago? I don't even remember. But I guess I kinda have a crush... Yea, I'm not sure"

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