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-- jakes pov --

Sam. I hated him. He loved her and she still loved him

I could tell. I don't know what happened between them but I'm sure someone at school does.

"Babe, we have to get to school!" I heard Krista yelling from upstairs. We had been together for two weeks and it was perfect. The only problem was that her and some guy named Trevor were getting really close. She said they had been friends a while ago and they got in a huge fight and that he finally apologized in an amazing war and they want to make things right.

We were on our way to school when I saw some of my teammates.

"Jake. Coach needs you to stay a few hours after practice to work on the line up with him" he winked after that and I understood what he meant

"Ok. Look babe, are you ok rescheduling our date? I can't upset the coach. I'll make it up to you"

She looked at me and smiled "of course jake. I'll just work on my audition song"

I was very confused "what audition song?"

Her face brightened "my X factor audition! It's in two weeks. You are coming, right?"

"Babe, our big game is in two weeks. The team needs me. I'm the quarterback."

She looked sad "oh. Yea, it's totally fine. I'll just have all my other friends come. It will be fine. I'll see you in class. Love you"

She pecked my check and ran off to class

I looked at spencer and said, "where am I meeting her?"

"In the boys locker rooms after practice. She's giving you fifteen minutes to get showered then she's all yours"

"And you promise Krista has no way of finding out?"

"I promise."

"Ok good. And which cheerleader am I seeing tonight?"

"Baily Jents. The one with brown hair and blue eyes."

"Good works spencer. I'll see you at practice"

We both walked off and went to class

-- Kristas pov --

It had only been two weeks with jake but I can't remember being this happy. Maybe he really is the one. I feel save when he holds me. I get the feeling I had when I am with Sam. Sam... No matter what I am doing I find myself thinking of him. But I have been hanging out with Trevor again and I'm thinking about him too. But I really can't do this to myself again. I am with jake now and I am very happy. I'm safe. I'm satisfied. Life is perfect.

I was doing my homework when my best friend, Cirus, called me. I know, we hated each other when we first met, but we found out we had tons in common. For instance, we both loved to sing and dance. Yea, I told her about my secret love for dance.

She had called to tell me a forgot my math book at school and that she would drop it off but she had tutoring and that she had to get home right away. She had out it in my locker. I decided to put my practice to a holt so I could go get my book. I guess I could surprise jake at his extra practice. I got my penny board and started to ride over to school. On the way I bumped into Trevor.

"Trevy, wanna skate with me?"

"Sure. Where are we going miss Suarez?"

"To my school, I need to pick up my math book"

"Ew. School. Remember when we first met and you told me the only place you thought was hell is school?"

"Oh yeaa. That was so weird. A lot has changed since then. Hey, isn't that Sam?"

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