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"So, I went to a performing arts school," I have never had to tell anyone about my performing stage. I'm known as the girl you shouldn't mess with or the girl you want to be with, not against. I was really nervous to tell them. I was scared they would judge me. I also didn't want my teammates to know. I continued. "When I was three, I had a few passions. Dancing, singing, music, and soccer. People would call me Starry so no one actually knew it was me. I would perform in my school shows and street perform and I would honestly just sing wherever I was. I didn't care who I was with. As long as I wasn't with my soccer team. Yea, I played at age three. When I was six, I was invited to go to a performing school for elementary school. I couldn't say no..." 

I took a pause. This was my least favorite part. 

"However, my dad.. He had other ideas as to what he wanted me to do. He wanted me to be a pro athlete. He wasn't supportive of what I loved. The day I was leaving to go to my new school, he came up to me and told me I was a disgrace to the family. To make things better none of my soccer teammates knew I was leaving to perform. They knew me as Krista and just thought I was moving. Everyone else knew me as starry. I ended up loving the school with all my heart. No one knew I was an athlete. Well, until one of my old friends from soccer came to watch a show of ours for some reason I don't know. It was only my first year and for once I actually fit in somewhere- even though I wasn't my whole self. My teammate told everyone I play soccer, football, basketball, baseball and that I could and would beat anyone up.  She said I was scary and could hurt people. After that, I was made fun of for being a tomboy. It sounds lame now that I think of it, but it hurt at the time. After that show, I had no friends, they said they didn't want to hang out with a boy. I honestly don't give a crap about that. I ignored their teasing and became an amazing performer."

I took a deep breath

"One day, Selena started at the school. I thought she was gonna be another one of them. Mean and snobby. But we ended up being exactly the same. She loved baseball, she played with the guys and she was proud about it. She was made fun of too. We became best friends because of it. Leenie, these few other girls, Carter, and I were the only ones that ended up passing all the classes. On my free time I still trained for soccer. One of the players I practiced with just happened to have known Sierra. They asked me to join their team and I ended up joining that club after a few months. By that time I was already thirteen and it was around Christmas. For the first time in at least seven years I was gonna see my mom and dad again which is really sad. I was so happy but also scared that my dad was still going to think I was a disgrace. I had a show that night and it was my biggest solo number ever. I was going to sing Summer Love by One Direction. It was because over that summer Carter and I had started to get closer and we were in different classes so we wouldn't get to see each other that much. He was already in a band and famous. He had the choice to leave and go on tour with his band or to spend the summer at our summer training camps. He chose to stay with me at the camp. I sang that song to him with all my heart and after my song my mom came up to me... She said my dad had passed away. I felt like it was my fault. I don't know why, I just did." 

I think I was crying. I'm so tired of crying over my past. I'm stronger now than I ever was. I'm trying to move on! I decided just to tell them the rest.

 "So yea.. After that I decided just to leave that school. I wanted to make my dad happy. I knew that every moment I spent performing I was disappointing him. A few months later, I was on a traveling club team with my best friend with Sierra, an 'A+' student, and dating Carter. I didn't think my life could get any better. But I was only fourteen at this point. Carter was pretty famous, and I was a just soccer player and nerd. I don't know why he even stayed with me. It makes no sense, but life seemed perfect. But when I turned fifteen, life made a turn for the worse. Ok, so one day Carter told me he had a huge concert, their biggest yet. He really wanted me to go but it was the same night of my championships game. He was really upset I couldn't go. He kissed me, said good luck, said he loved me..." I took a pause. 

"So, I went to my game. Played my heart out hoping we would win. When I got home from my game I decided to call carter and tell him I won the championship, that my team had the chance to compete and win a trip to, CA. But his phone was off so I just turned the tv on to the channel i knew his concert would be on. Instead of his concert  was a gossip show. I don't usually watch nor do I ever believe what the say on these shows. But this one in particular ruined my life. Turning that channel on was the best and the biggest mistake of my life. I was expecting to see one direction gossip cause that's what's always on. But no, I saw my boyfriend in a car crash. It turns out he had gotten really drunk that night then was gonna drive home. He was really injured. I was so scared. You see, Carter never drank. He was one of those good guys, the type people expect to be all tough but turns out to be really sweet, plus he was only sixteen and illegal. That's not even the worst part of the show though. It turns out there was girl in the car with him. There were lots of photos of the two of them together from that night. I remember the exact words the reporter said, "Carter Kenton was found badly injured in a car crash right after his concert. A girl was accompanying Carter, but it was not Krista. Is Karter over? Does Krista even know about Carter's whereabouts? The girl found in the car was no other than Azzie Dratt. Top model." I sent him a text saying I saw the news and that we were breaking up. The worst part is that he was underage and barley knew how to drive. I was crushed.:

I took a few minutes to catch my breath again.

"After that I officially gave up music. I wanted nothing to do with it. After a few months or so he called apologizing but we didn't get back together. I haven't told anyone this part but he had to go on tour and people just assumed we were still dating. It was good for publicity. I was still mad at him for cheating on me, drunk or not. He said he'd make it up. He sure as hell did. He devoted a whole concert to me. It had been a year and I finally forgave him. We were happy until he cheated again. By that time, I was done with him. I moved here and tried to get away from my past. But here I am all over again a few blocks from his house. I'm such an idiot!"

(Trevor's pov)

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. During her story I realized a few things. One: Carter is the biggest idiot in the world. Two: I was in love with Krista Star Suarez. And three: I would do anything to win her over. She was crying so we just sat there and she cried into my shoulder. I looked over at Jc and he looked shocked. Selena just sat there awkwardly. She already knew all of this. I was analyzing her story and realized another thing. Starry! That was the name of the girl I had my first kiss with. I was thirteen and at some benefit concert with my school. A beautiful girl sang a One Direction song that night. How had I not realized this?! She was the girl I've been in love with since I was thirteen. But she sang that song for Carter... The she said what I've been waiting for. 

Krista started to talk again "I also remember that night that I sang for Carter there was a boy in the crowed. He stared at me the whole time during my the concert. After the show I was at the cookie stand and the boy came up to me and asked me to dance.  after dancing we went outside and sat at a bench. I guess it was just the events of that day but I had my first kiss with him. I have a picture of it in my yearbook. I tried to find him after that cause thought he would travel with us since he was a singer too. But Carter had asked me out already so I gave up on him. I also forgot about him for a while." Krista then started to talk to Selena

I looked at krista and started to speak "Krista.. This is a lot to take in but I was that kid you had your first kiss with and I tried to follow you guys but I was broke..." she seemed not to have heard me since she did not look phased by what I had just said.

Jc punched my shoulder and said "Dude, you're lucky if she heard that who knows what she would have done. I think you should wait a while before you tell her it was you." Jc was right. I should wait till the right moment.

"Trevor?" Selena was calling me. "Can you please go up stairs for a moment? Take Jc. She's kinda hard to calm down when she brings up her past..." I nodded my head. "Yea, sure. C'mon Jc." We were walking up the stairs when I noticed a picture I had longed to see. It was her the night we kissed. I now remember it like it was yesterday. She was wearing a strapless white dress with little purple flowers it only went to mid thigh, black mini heels, and her hair was up in a high pony tail that was all curled. She had really light make up on and her chap-stick was cherry flavored.

"Dude, stop fantasizing about that night. It's not healthy." Ha ha ha. So funny Jc. "Shut up, she's beautiful and you know it." None of that was a lie. "I have a plan... Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.."

Just a filler... But HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUIS AND MERRY HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE!!! Thank you all for reading my fanfic!!!

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