Just a dream?

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(Kristas pov)


"Krista? Who is Jason?" I heard my moms voice ask

"Wha- wait, it was just a dream?! I didn't meet Jason Smith from the ICONic Boyz?!" Dang it!!

"Uhhh...no? We've been at the airport for about two hours. Our plane got delayed. You fell asleep within minutes of our arrival here. I'm sorry kris, it was just a dream.."

NOOO! Jason Smith from the ICONic Boyz, or now ToBeOne the boyband, was like my idol. No one knows this besides my mom, but I've been taking hip-hop lessons since I was three. It was my third love, after my phone. I've had a 'crush' on him since ABDC. I don't even know why I like him so much. I know I'll never meet him. But something about that dream kept bothering me.. The fact that I kept thinking about Sam. Gosh, I love him so much. I keep thinking of this one moment we almost shared..

-- flash back --

"Saaaaaaam!! Put me down!! Ahhhhh!!! I'm gonna die if you don't put me down!!" I was hitting his back as he carried me down the stairs.

"You'll die IF I put you down." He smirked at me. He just smirked at me. His smirk is so freaking cute.

"Samuel! Put. Me. Down!" We were outside by now

"As you wish" crap! He was throwing me into the pool

"No! I change my mind! Keep me up! Keep me up!!"

"Aww! Your so cute when you complain! 'Put me down! Put me down!" He called me cute. It was probably just a friendly way though.

"I mean it! Don't you dare drop me in the pool!"

"I would never drop you into the pool... But I'll THROW you into the pool!"

Last second I grabbed his wrist and he fell Into the pool with me

"You don't mess with Krista Star Suarez and expect to win" now it was my turn to smirk.

Sam came up to me and grabbed my sides. He lifted me up so my legs wrapped around his waist. I was looking down at him.

"You know you have the prettiest eyes..."

I just blushed. He was leaning in for a kiss, I leaned in. We were less than a centimeter away when JC walked in, or should I say out. (Cause they're outside...no?... Ok ): )

"Hey, Sam? Wanna go to the movi- oh... Am I interrupting something?"

Sam looked annoyed.

"No JC, you are not interrupting anything." Then he got out of the pool and left

-- end of flashback --

Maybe that memory was just a dream as well. I mean, I came to California for soccer and I end up falling for some guy I hardly even know. This sounds like a fan fiction I read. Like, the ones about One Direction. Oh the feels. I think I just read to many of them, wattpad is making me think I'm in love with my best friend. That remind me of a fanfic I read... "Loving my best friend" that was a good one. Oh my, I have to stop reading them! Imagine meeting Harry Styles? Imagine being Tessa from "After" #Hessa! I ship it! Lord.. Help me. You know what. I'll just delete the app this moment. Home screen. Book apps. Aha! Wattpad! Delete. 'Are you sure? Deleting this app with also delete all it's memory' yatayatayata... Delete. Gone. Ah, all better. Maybe now I won't have feelings for Sam! But I do get that "tingly" feeling when I'm around him. Gosh, only that feeling happens in fanfics. What's happening to me?!

"Kris? Kris?! KRIS?!" Oh.. My mom was calling me

"Oh- huh? Yea mom?"

" our plane is ready."

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