The concert

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(Trevor's pov)

It was New Year's Eve and most people would be out partying. But I'm not. I'm out with my girlfriend... Oh how I love the sound of that. Girlfriend. Giiiirlfriiiieeeend. GIRLFRIEND. .. Anyways, I'm out with Krista and we are going to a One Direction concert. We are both extremely excited. Yes, I'm a Directioner, but that's not why I'm excited. I also got us VIP passes so after the concert we get to meet the boys personally. I just couldn't wait to see the look on kristas face. I still can't believe I'm dating her. I've only known her for a month or two. I feel like I'm rushing into things. On the other hand, we have been going out for five days and our first date was perfect. I took her to the movies and we watched "Saving Mr. Banks" it was so cute. Krista was crying almost the whole time. Then I took her to dinner at Fuddruckers and it was so much fun. We played arcade games and ate pizza. It couldn't have gone better.

Now I'm in my room getting ready for the concert. I have to pick Krista up at 3:00 so we can get food and still be early. I decided just to wear jeans, I blue stripped lose tank top, and black converse. It's Friday and my day on O2L and I had no idea what to do for my video because it was tag week. I considered the 'furry friend tag' but then it hit me.. Ill do the 'girlfriend/boyfriend tag' with Krista when I pick her up. I haven't told her my idea yet so I hope she agrees with me.

I started on my way to kristas house and realized a flaw in my plan. She will kill me if I don't feed her. I decide to pick up some hot wings, pizz, and ice cream. Her favorite food. Once I had all the stuff, I parked the car. Well, my mom did. I can't drive. Either way I could have parked it better. It was 2:59 and it wanted to be on time. I told my mom to just bring the food in behind me. I rang their door bell and mrs. Suarez came to the door.

"Well hello Trevor. She's upstairs." Gawd. She looks so much like Krista it's uncanny.

"Thank you mrs. Suarez. I brought food because I had a change of plans. I hope that's ok." I'm good at impressing parents. I know.

"That's perfectly fine with me. She's in her room getting ready. Why don't you go on in and tell her your new planes."

With that or rushed up the steps to my boos room. But I said thanks to her mom first of course.

When I reached the doorway in front of her room my heart skipped a beat. She looked perfect. She was wearing a maroon tank top underneath a navy green cardigan, a big brown purse, sunglasses in her hair, and high waisted jeans (pic on side) I was speechless. She was doing her make up when I walked in. Looked like just concealer, mascara, eye liner, and some lip gloss. She looked perfect. I don't think she needs makeup but as long as she doesn't look like a clown I'm ok with it.

She hadn't noticed me yet so I waited for her to get her "wand" out and work magic in her hair (a/n: see what I did there? No? Ok..) before I snuck up behind her and scared her.


I jumped behind her and grabbed both sides of her waist. She didn't get scared. She just laughed. Oh that laugh...

"You weren't scared?"

"No Trevor, I wasn't scared. Ever heard of a mirror? Yea, I own one." Oh yea... Forgot about those

"Dang it." She just laughed

"Oh! I brought foo-" she interrupted me

"I thought we were going out to eat..." Aww she's so cute

"We were. But it's Friday and I need to make my O2L video. I was wondering if you wanted to do the boyfriend/girlfriend tag with me?"

I was expecting her to say no, so when she ran up to me and hugged me saying she would love to.

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