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(Kristas pov)

After I heard the news that I was fine I ran over to my mom. The doctor had given me some numbing thing for my mouth so I couldn't really talk. I sounded really funny. I realized that i didn't have my phone and started to freak out. Then I heard the most amazing voice ever. Sam.

"Lookin for something?"

He was holding up my iPhone. My baby. The only thing I love more than soccer was my phone.

My mom started to say something but I wasn't paying attention. Then my heart broke.

"After your tournament with your team we're gonna go back to Texas for a while. I know the best dentist, he can fix your mouth in no time."

I was going back home in a week. But after only being here for a few days it felt like in California..with Sam.


On our way home I checked my twitter notifications and they were blowing up! There were sooo many tweets about kam. I couldn't believe it. Some un known number texted me.

?: heeeey! Wasssssup?

K: who r u

?: it's me sam...sorry if I scared u

K: oh! Sam! Ok, you scared the poop outta me! Have u seen twitter? It's crazy!

S: yea. #kam. They're crazy for thinking it would ever happen! *(•-•)*

K: yea...totally

S: hey! Do u wanna be in my video today?! It's my day on o2l! The theme is random. I wanna do a 20 questions type thing and follow spree!


S: ok! Be over by 6:30

K: kk! See u soon!!!!

(SAMs pov)

Did I really just say people are crazy for thinking Kam could ever happen? I'm so stupid! I know she likes me! Why couldn't I have just told her! I could have told her and everything would be fine. Great job Sam...

It was already 4:00 so I decided to set up all my camera stuff. I tidied up my house, but it was pretty difficult. I live in a pretty rich part of San Clemente so I had a pretty big house and it was hard to clean.

After I finished cleaning everything I got dressed. I know it seems like guys don't always care about what they wear but something was different about Krista. I felt the need to look good. I went to my walk in closet and started to look through my clothes. I decided on white red jeans, a red and white stripped muscle tee, bright white vans, and a maroon beanie.

By the time I was ready it was already 6:28. I decided just to go on twitter until she got to my house.

@Sam_pottorff: about to film this weeks vid w/ @kristaaaaaa_star

Almost immediately I got tons of replies. OMGEEEEZ! #kam too cute!!

@sammeys_gurl: @sam_pottorff @kristaaaaaa_star #kam when r u guys gonna date???

@kristaaaaaa_star: lol!!!! @sammeys_gurl we only met today!! Plus, I'm not into the whole dating thing atm!

Kristas comment broke my heart, she kinda just friend zoned me even tho she liked me... Craaaap!

(Kristas pov)

I only had an hour to get ready for the video! It was going to be on YouTube..with lots of people watching. I had to look good! I went through my closet at least a dozen times until I came upon the perfect outfit. It was a red muscle tee that said "per-fect", white mini shorts, and my knee length red converse. I really don't like make up so I just put on some foundation, mascara, and sparky lip gloss. I put my hair up in a high pony tail then curled it so I had Shirley temple curls! I put a white bow with red polka dots in my hair. Then i grabbed my purse and left for sams house.

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