Zuma beach

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(SAMs pov)

She finally let go of that Harries guy. Sure. Finn is ok, but when he gets in the way of me being with Krista... No. Sam. Stop thinking that way. You need to gain her trust again.

I looked over at matthew and noticed how heart broken he was

"Is- is that her boyfriend?" His voice cracked

I almost felt bad for him

"No. I think they're best friends"

"Thank gosh. I was gonna ask her out today"

Anger boiled up inside of me

"No you aren't." There is no way he's asking her out

"You can't stop me potorff" he looked me straight in the eye. I don't see why Krista was even friends with him. He looks like Justin beiber. She hates Justin beiber

"Look, she won't say yes. No matter how nice you are, she's gonna say no"

"She likes me. Of course she'll say yes."

" no, she won't. And I know that for a fact. You have to know her better. You have to know what she likes and what she hates. You have to know that her favorite ice cream is mint chip and that she doesn't like her ice cream in cones. You have to know that every Wednesday at exactly 5:00 at night, she checks her Instagram no matter where she is. That she hates sandals cause she says her feet are ugly. And that she loves the subject literature and that all she ever wanted as a kid was to fit in. You have to know the she loves when you hold her hand and rub circles on them with your thumb and that she hates when you randomly poke her. And you have to know that when she was six, she met her best friend, but they lost touch when they turned eight. You have to know all her favorite hobbies. How when she eats, no matter what, her iPhone is in her left hand and her utensil in the right, cause she says she can't eat with the fork in her left hand. You have to know that she doesn't want a fairy tale relationship cause she says that in the real stories, it ends bad. Also, she spent most of her life training to become an athlete. She never cared about her appearance and the she feels woman that wear make up everyday are not real. And she thinks girls that act fake are horrible. And that-"

"You remembered all of that?"

I turned around to see Krista standing behind me

"of course I did. I always listened when you talked"

"But why?"

I let out a shaky breath

"Cause I like you Krista. So much. I've liked you for such a long time. Since you started at the club actually. That first day you came, when we looked at eachother for the first time. Yea. I've liked you since then."


"That's not even fair!" Matthew looked pissed "I was gonna ask you out today and he does this! I bet you he planned this!"

Krista looked at him in disbelief

"You were gonna ask me out?"

The thing is, her reaction wasn't good. She looked... Annoyed?

"You were gonna ask me out after I specifically told you I don't want a relationship?" Yep. She was pissed

"C'mon Krista. We get along so well. It's like fate."

"Matt, yea, I kinda liked you... Liked. But I just see you as a best friend to be completely honest with you. There is bound to be another girl for you."

"No. You are the only girl for me Krista. Why can't you see that? I may not know you as well as... That, but I know damn well that I deserve you just as much as the next guy"

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