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"Krista Suarez, nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Pottorff head of SCFC" Some man bellowed at me from my coaches hotel room

"Nice to meet you sir, but may I ask why you are here? Not to be rude or anything.."

Pottorff..why did that name sound so familiar?

"You didn't tell her Mark?" He then gave my coach a surprised smile.

"I kinda wanted it to be a surprise.." My coach told mr. Pottorff.

"Well, a great surprise it will be. I run a very professional soccer club that travels all over the world. Yes, it's coed. But only the practices are! Teams are separated by sex and skill. Your coach here invited me to your last game and I was quite impressed by what I saw. I know talent when I see it! And you missy, you got it!!"

"I-I don't understand" I must have looked pretty stupid when I said that cause my coach gave me a dissaproving look.

"Miss Suarez, what I'm trying to say is that I would be more than happy to have you join the girls U 18 premiere team...full scholarship of course."

"But- Mr. Pottorff, I'm only 16"

"I realized that, we don't have a team that will suit your advanced level and the U 18 girls premiere team is perfect! You won't be at the top and certainly not at the bottom."

He must have thought he was some genius for having all of the answers..he had a really weird smile on his face. Kinda like a successful smirk but scarier.

"I'm honored that you have given me this offer but, my team. What about Sierra?! We're always together!"

My coach then turned to me "Krista, if I didn't think this was a good idea I never would have called several soccer clubs, invite them to our games, and show them your YouTube channel."

"Well, Miss Suarez, whenever you have made your decision my offer is always on the table! Nice meeting you."

And with that he left. I turned to my coach, I told him I'd think about the offer and with that I left his hotel room.

-1week later-

My coach is still pressuring me to make my decision! He told me that Mr. Pottorff is expecting my answer in a week, which is tomorrow! I've been thinking really hard and weighing my options.

Pro: the teams are really good and this will look great when I try out professionally. I'll get to travel to all the places I've ever wanted to go. Training will me more difficult and test my ability more. I'll become so much better.

Cons: I'll leave my teammates, which include my best friends, and move away from home...

I think I've come to my decision.


"Nice to see you again Miss Suarez. I assume you have come to make a decision?" Mr. Pottorff looked down at me while saying this which kinda scared me.

"Yes, Mr. Pottorff. I've made my decision. It was very difficult but I can't say no to a once in a life time opportunity. So yes, I accept your offer-"

"Splendid! Meet me tomorrow at GCC's soccer field, I'll introduce you to the team"


While I was walking over to the GCC soccer field I kept thinking about where I had heard the name 'Pottorff' before. Then, like hammer, it hit me. Sam Pottorff from O2l! The really cute one! ...Besides Trevor of course. But they couldn't be related, could they? It just seemed so unlikely.


What was that? Oh! My phone! I looked at the number calling and I didn't recognize it.


"Hey Krisie boo, miss me yet?"

My ex boyfriend carter. I broke it off with him a few months ago after I found out he cheated on me.

"What do u want carter?" I rolled my eyes

"You, I want you back! I'm so sorry about what happened! I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing! I know you're probably not gonna believe what I'm saying but I'm telling the truth. I miss your smile, your laugh, your hugs, and mostly your kisses!" By this time he was on the phone in tears.

"Carter, I accept your apology but you really hurt me. I do love you still but I can't start a relationship again. I'm sorry. I just got the best offer of my life. I have to focus on my carrier now."

"Ok Krisie, whatever you need. See you when you get back ho-"

"Carter, I'm not coming back home..."

After that I hung up and realized I really wasnt going back home for a while.

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