Sam > other ppl

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Matthew took me home after a while.

I was so tired of people

Yes, the fact that I could possibly become a famous singer was inviting but i wasn't sure

I may as well go to soccer practice

I put the uniform on

Got my cleats - orange Hyper Venoms, snake skin -

They were my whole life


I finally arrived at practice

I was greeted by Chris (mr, pottorff if u forgot)

"Krista, I'm so happy to have you back. I have good news, and I have bad news."

Uh oh

"What's the bad news?"

"Well.... You're team broke up... BUT we have recruited new players!"

New players?

"Are jenn and Andrea still on the team?"

"Well. No. They decided they didn't want to play sports. Neither is Acacia. But the good news is that all of the new players are your age!"

I guess that's good news

"We also have a new coach for the team. Her name I Alex Mor-"


"Yes, you know her?"

"Know her?! My life revolves around her. Oh, and Ronaldo and Messi and Beckham and Hope Solo and... Basically, I love soccer." (A/n: I know all of those players are the players everyone knows, but I only play club soccer. I don't have cable so I'm not able to actually watch soccer. But I do love the sport with all my heart so don't judge me.)

Just then a boy walked up to us

"Aye! Chris! My dad wanted to know what time he should get the boys ready for practice."

Oh my lawred cheeses! That's Brooklyn Beckham...






"Hey, aren't you Krista Suarez? I've heard a lot about you. The guys at my school are crazy about you!"

Uhh... Is he talking to me?

Chris nudged me

"Uh, yea. I'm krista. How do you even know who I am?"

"Everyone knows're internet famous! I am subscribed to both of your channels. My bros back home are too. You are truly amazing at soccer"

He literally just said that..

"Oh wow. Thank you."

What else do I say?

"Hey, do you wanna come over to my hotel room after your practice finishes? We could get to know each other."

"Yea, I'd love to"

"K. See ya then!"

He gave me his number

Then he walked away

I just stared at Chris

"Did that really happen?????"

"Yes. It really did. Now let's go meet your new team."

We walked onto the field and the first thing I noticed was Sam joking around with another boy.

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