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It was finally here... My audition. I had been practicing my song for such a long time and I knew i was ready. My friends knew I was ready.

It had been two weeks since I broke up with Jake and I grew surprisingly close to kian. No, I don't like him that way, I just didn't expect him to want to be my friend after what happened between me and Sam.

I was pacing around my room making sure I remember all my lyrics when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in"

Trevor walked in, "hey kris, you'll do great. I made it past first round while I sang 'I'm sexy and I know it' there is no way you could get even one no. You'll be the best one up there"

"But what if I'm not?"

He looked me in the eyes and said, "you will be" he then kissed my cheek and walked out of my room.

I started to get dressed. I decided on wearing a pink, flowy dress (in pic). It was strapless, and went just above my knees. I curled my hair lightly and put make up on. I looked in the mirror and was surprised by what I saw. This wasn't how I usually dressed. It was surprising that I could look so nice.

"You looks amazing"

I looked in the mirror and saw matthew standing behind me.

"Matt! I've missed you so much! What are you doing here?"

"I would never miss your audition for anything. Plus, I kinda don't have anything to do since Magcon is over"

"No it's not, what about-"

He looked at me with a serious face, "that's not Magcon"

I put my hands up defense, "ok ok. Whatever. Who else is here?"

"Umm, those British twins, your roommates, some other girl I don't know, the o2l guys, and another girl I've seen but can't name. Oh, and a guy with a really deep dimple and another shortish blonde guy"

"Great description Matt. The sad part is I know exactly who you mean....mostly"

I took his hand and ran down stairs. But I stopped in my tracks.


She looked up from her phone, "surprise?"

(Sam's pov)

Krista grabbed sierras hand and pulled her to another room

Kian looked to me, "what do you think is gonna happen?"

"I don't know. Sierra was kinda a bitch when she basically dumped Krista"

Luke Korns walked up to me and asked who Sierra is

"She was kristas best friend from Texas. They got in a fight over Krista saying Sierra was being a slut. But it was kind of a wake up call for Sierra because apparently she has a boyfriend now. His name is James. Oh, and before they got in that fight, Trevor cheated on Krista with Sierra at a One Direction concert"

He answered, "wow. And she still showed up?"

Kian spoke up, "well yea, they were best friends. I was talking to her and she said she wanted to make things right. She said Texas wasn't the same and it was even worse knowing they got in a fight over the stupidest thing."

Then Trevor but in, "and Krista misses her. She loves her new friends but Krista and Sierra go way back"

And finally jc added more, "plus, Sierra was just a bad bitch and she feels awful now. She's juts trying to get her best friend back. It's kinda sweet I guess."

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