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(Trevor's pov)

Jc was telling me a plan about how I could make Krista mine. I really didn't want to rush her into anything, but this plan was perfect. I had tickets to the One direction concert coming up and I was gonna take Jc but he told me I should give one of the tickets to Krista as a Christmas present. It was the best idea Jc had, had in a while. I was so nervous. All of Christmas Eve I was trying to think of how to impress Krista and make her mine. Sam had texted me asking if I had met krista, I said yea, he got pissed. Anyways. I was sitting in my living room with my older brother and other family. We were passing out gifts. Yes, we give eachother our gifts on Christmas Eve. I had gotten at least $400, a new pair of Vlados, Beats, a new camera (it's all I had asked for. What generous parents) 3 new camera lens, and tons of clothes. I had a great time time. My mom told me to go to bed so "Santa" wouldn't miss our house. I don't think I slept at all that night. I kept thinking whether Krista would like her gift or not and whether she would go with me.

-- Christmas at the O2L house --

(SAMs pov)

Trevor met Krista and now I'm gonna lose her. It's Christmas morning and I decided to text Krista.

S: heeeeey babe! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

No more than two minutes later did she reply.

K: heeeeey babe! Merry Christmas to you too! Too bad I won't get my mistletoe kiss....

You see, we had been texting a lot after she left and I decided to call her cause I missed her voice and we both admitted to liking each other.

-- A few weeks prior --

"Hey Krista! Howa doin? I've missed your voice!" "Sam... He said he knew where I was. I'm scared." "Don't worry, I may not be there, but just know I will always protect you." "Thank you Sam, for everything." "Don't worry about it... I have my reasons too" "I bet those reasons are that you feel pitty" "no, far from it. Krista, since the moment I met/saw you on the soccer field I had a crush on you. I still do." "Sam..." "I get it, you don't like me back. Its ok, really." "Sam, you didn't let me finish. I like you too. But it won't work. We both know it. We're too good of friends to change anything. I don't want to mess anything up." "We could make it work." "Maybe, but we're best friends and we need to stay that. We both need to move on and forget about our feeling for each other. I'm sorry Sam." "I- uh- yea. Sure. Bye kris. Miss you." "Bye"

-- Back to present time --

Yea she totally friend zoned me. I was thinking so much about that phone call I hadn't realized she had texted back.

S: haha. Yea. Maybe Trev Trev can help you with that.

K: Maybe he can. So... a few weeks back we both said we would move on from each other and I think I finally did... 

S: With who...?

K: I feel like it's still too soon to tell. I'll let you know if anything actually happens. I have to go now Sam, bye. Love and miss you.

S: Love and miss you too Krista. Bye.

So now it's Christmas and I'm at the O2L house and I'm sitting on the couch next to Kian. I guess he could tell something was wrong cause he asked if I was ok.

"Kian, you know what's wrong? I was just texting Krista and she said she likes someone else. Do you know how it feels to like someone so much and almost have them... Then lose them to someone else? It sucks. I don't give a crap about who it is! I'm gonna beat the shit out of them! I loved her Kian! I loved her!" After that I started to cry. Kian was shocked. I had never opened up so much In front of him. Especially not about Krista.

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