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(Krista's pov)

I can't believe I made it. Demi Lovato is our mentor and I can't even describe what I'm feeling. Reed, Reece, and I became like the three best friends. We were always together and we basically knew everything about one another. The two other girls, Audrey and Liana, totally have crushes on Reed and Reece. That's why they don't hang out with us. I'm not complaining though. They're both so pretty. Liana has really pretty light blue eyes and straight brown hair. Her skin is fairly tanned and her smile is fabulous. On the other hand, Audrey has light brown eyes with straight brown hair. Her skin is pretty white and once again, a beautiful smile. They both have really pretty voices. They had gotten really close with each other but we were gonna be living together for a while so it only makes sense to become friends with them. I started walking over to them and they immediately stopped talking.

Liana spoke first. "Um. Hi." She actually was super shy I guess. I decided to continue the conversation. "Hi. I'm Krista"

"We know who you are" Audrey turned pink when she said that, "I mean like, we watch your YouTube videos. You're hilarious."

I didn't think they would watch me. I actually haven't filmed a video for that channel in a while. I probably should. "Hey, would you guys wanna do a video with me? I haven't filmed in a while and-"

"YES!" I guess Liana wasn't as shy as I thought. "I mean, yea, that could be fun" I just laughed at her.

@kristaaaaaaa_star finally filming for WhatsUpKrista! I know! It's been forever! Tweet me questions with the hashtag #finallykrista

I almost immediately received some questions. "Go through some of the questions and screen shot your favorite ones. I'll go get my camera stuff." I handed them my phone and went to the room. It was our last day at this place and I would really miss it. All the contestants that didn't make it past bootcamp had already left. I was all packed up and super excited to find out where the judges house was gonna be located. I found my filming equipment and took it over to where Liana and Audrey were. I found them still on my phone looking at my photos. When they saw me walk in they panicked. "Guys, it's ok. I wouldn't have left you guys with my phone if I had anything super personal on it" they gave me a relieved look. "Let's film now"

I set up the lights and brought out my tripod. I set my camera on it and got everything ready. "Hello everyone of the world internet! Wait, that's not right" I start the same way as Lauren. I put a blooper at the beginning. I don't even try to mess up. I just end up messing up. "Hello everyone of the internet world. I'm Krista and you are watching my channel. I know I haven't posted a video in ages and I'm really sorry. Anyways, what better way is there to start up my channel again than having a Q and A? I can't think of any " I looked at Liana and Audrey "can you think of a better way" they both nodded their heads no. "Instead of doing a Q and A all alone like I usually do, I am doing it with my two new friends! This is Liana and this is Audrey. We all made it to the judges house on X-Factor. Ok. Enough intro. Let's get started. Liana, can you read the first question?"

"Yea. This one is from @monkey_butts #finallykrista what's up with you and Trevy?" She gave me a smirk

"Ok. Nothing is going on between me and Trevor. That was in the past. Like, literally a year. Wow. It has been a year. Anyway, nothing. I am happily dating Sam Pottorff. If you want a Kam collab soon tweet the hashtag #wewantkam and maybe we will do one."

Audrey read the next question, "@lillywels what are you afraid of"

I answered "bees. They freak me out. What about you guys?" Liana replied, "dude, I'm so scared of clowns. I don't even know why. They are just so creepy" I laughed at her "what are you laughing at? At least I'm not scared of bees" how dare she. "Bees have stingers on their butts. Stingers hurt. How are you not scared of them?" Finally Audrey started to talk, "you guys are such babies." Liana and I both said, "oh yea?" Audrey laughed and said, "yes! At least I'm scared of something actually creepy! Have you ever thought about a zombie apocalypse?" I looked at her stupidly. "You're scared of Something that doesn't even exist"
We continued to argue on this topic for a bit longer. Then we moved onto the next question

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