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Let's make something clear, there is a huge difference between liking a bunch of guys and having them all like you back, and being a slut. I don't lead them on. If anything, I stay away from them. Now, I'm not positive Harry or Matt even like me, but you get my drift.

Bleep bleep

Breaks over. Time for soccer

"Aye! Pheonix, Sloan, Cirus. You guys are really good"

They rolled their eyes

"Are we supposed to fall to the ground and thank The Lord that you complimented us? You're not as famous or good as you think you are. I've seen better"

I didn't know Cirus had an attitude. It's the attack of the Miley Virus! Cause Miley has and attitude and... Never mind

"I uh-"

"No, Cirus is right. We saw you with Sam. He should be mine. And you think you're all up there cause gossip shows talk about you all the time? Well, you're not. You're still an average girl. I'm better looking than you, yet, Sam chooses you. I've always wondered what was going on in that head of yours" gosh, Sloan is mean

"Guys, look. I don't think I'm better than you at anything. I'm not even cocky. Sure, Sam likes me, but I don't see why. When I first saw all of you guys, I felt out of place cause you were all prettier than me. And Sloan, you're gorgeous, but I think my friend is better match for you than Sam. Trust me. Cirus, I didn't expect you to do anything when I complimented you. I said that cause it's true. You guys are really good at soccer. And Phoenix, thanks for not saying anything..."

I just walked away

I literally hate when people judge you for no reason. That's why I don't understand hate. People are mean to people for no reason and we just stand here and watch it happen. That's how self harm starts. I've never gone that far of course, but there are times when I'm so tired of the things people say about me, I want to give up. I don't think I'm better than anyone. In fact, I don't even know how I have fans. Yea, I do YouTube. But barely. I only have 1k subscribers. And I have no idea how everyone knows about my soccer career. I just thought it was college recruiters. I'm only a sophomore, but I've been given full rides to a few colleges.

"Krista! Stop daydreaming and get your sexy butt over here!"

Oh my cheeses. Janessa is the

"I'll be right over there Nessa! Let my day dream finish! I was about to kiss Logan Lerman!"

-- after practice --

Bleep bleep

From: Brooklyn

B: Aye Krista! You still comin over to my hotel after your practice! I wanna introduce you to my dad. Chris told me what a huge fan you are. Lemme know!!

K: yes I'm still comin over!! Only a crazy person wouldn't go!! David freaking Beckham! I'm gonna meet him!!!!!!

B: chill. If you're gonna me my friend, you have to get used to him

K: consider me used to him... I'm still gonna be freaking out inside

B: that's fine. See ya sooooooooon!

I decided to go home for a bit

My mom still hadn't come home from Texas so I've been staying home alone.

Where is Sierra? She hates me now...

* flashback *

"Kristaaaaaaa!!! Hurry up! We are gonna be late for practice! Wait.. Never mind. We're in Californiaaaaa! I love it here! There are so many cute boys and you are kinda famous and the are cute buys and the soccer is better and there are cute boys and there are beaches! Oh! And cute boys!"

I just laughed

"Sierra, the guys back home were fine. Plus, you kinda have a boyfriend"



"James... You've liked him since sixth grade. Tall, dirty blonde hair, played at our club. Ring a bell?"

"Kris, I know who James is, we just never fully got together."

"It's kinda slutish of you. Your always texting James but literally eye every guy that passes. Look! You're doing it again!"

She rolled her eyes

"We're in San Clemente for crying out loud! He's not gonna find out. Ooh. He's cute. Hold my purse"

She rudely hands me her purse

"Sierra. I don't think that's a good idea."

I yelled after her

"Excuse me? Since when have you been my mother?! I can do anything I want! The tournament is over! We lost! Face it Krista, I'm only here cause of you now... But you're so cooped up with Sam that you seem to have forgotten about me! So excuse me if I want to have some fun. I'm tired of just training! Not everyone is as good at soccer as you are! Not everyone is as pretty as you are! You know what! I'm so done with this! I can't be your best friend, let alone friend if you won't let me have fun and be myself!"

"But this isn't you Sierra! You're a talented athlete with amazing charisma and a charming personality! You don't need guys to-"

"Save it Suarez. I'm going back home. Don't bother calling me"

* back to reality *

It was such a stupid way to lose a friend. I mean, c'mon, she was leading a boy on who she has liked for a long time, and now is flirting with any guy she sees.

I need to forget about her and get ready for the Beckhams house.

I took a shower, put my robe on, and looked desperately through my closet.

I decided on a maroon skater skirt with a white crop top, and white high top converse. I straightened my hair and put a rose clip in it. I looked decent so I headed to Brooklyn's hotel room, it was huge.

I only stayed for a few bourse because I had to leave. I promised Chris I would meet him for private training.

When I arrived back at the field, I realized I hadn't changed. As I was walking to the dressing room, I heard my name called. I turned around and saw Chris calling me. I walked over towards him, and he told me to come to his office.

Had I done something wrong?

"Krista, how are you liking your new team?"

"Oh, I love them. They really are a great group of girls" I answered truthfully

"Good. Now, is soccer really the main thing in your life right now?"

No... I have Sam and three other guys to worry about. I have a chance to be a singer. I lost my best friend. Soccer is a hobby at the moment

But I pushed those thoughts out of my head

"Yes. It truly is the biggest thing in my life right now."

"Krista, I don't mean to make things awkward, but what happened between you and my son?"


"Well... I went back home for a bit to have my teeth fixed and I stayed a bit longer than planned. I uh, go ya boyfriend and uh, met some famous people. I broke up with the guy and uh, came back and saw Sam doing something I wish I could forget.."

"Excuse me?? He was having-"

"No no no. He was kissing a girl in my room. It kinda broke my heart. That's all that happened"

"I see. Does your mother -step mother- now about this?"

"No, I don't really get her involved with my life very much."

"What about your real mother?"

"She's.. Dead"

Just then, someone walked in. At first I didn't see who it was...

Then I saw


To be continued....

Very short update, but that's like, three in a week! New record!

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