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I hadn't felt those in a long time

But I can't like Sam

"Sam?! Are you done talking to Krista?! I made reservations for our date tonight!"


Reality check

Sam only kissed you cause he felt bad

"Uh, Kenz, I think I'm gonna have to cancel tonight," Sam said "I'm gonna stay with Krista. Are you ok walking home?!"

"Bitch... Yea. Love you Sam!"

Sam didn't reply

I just looked at him

"Look, there is nothing going on between me and Mackenzie. I promise. I just met her at the park again and she changed. I thought we could be friends again."

"Yea, because making out on MY FLOOR is just friends! Sam, I've been hurt enough in my life time. Please, if you like Kenzie... Leave. Please"

"C'mon Krusty. You're joking aren't you?"

"No, I'm not Sam. I need to be alone. I need to think"

"Fine, I don't want to add any pressure. But I'm in love with you Krista"

The words I'd been wanting to hear for the longest time

But I had to stand my ground

"Sam, please leave"

He walked out of my room, down the stairs, and out the door.

I just broke down crying

Bleep bleep

Twitter notification

@carter_k: @kristaaaaa_star we need to talk. Please answer my texts

What texts?


Oh, those

C: Krista, I know you hate my for everything I've ever done to you, but please give me another chance. I know you've been having a lot of boy trouble lately, but even if I can't date you anymore, can't we be friends? If you can forgive me, please meet me at the park down the street from your house. I'm in San Clemente too

I decided to meet him

I started walking to the park

I only had one more week of Christmas break left then I had to start school

Everything would go back to normal

I would meet new people and get great grades

I'd train everyday for soccer

I'd join clubs so all my free time was occupied

...that's how my life was

Now, I go to school with a bunch of youtubers

I'm in a love crisis with two of them

I haven't been to my soccer practice in a loooong time

I started singing again

And I'm meeting Carter again

All because I moved to California

If I was still in Texas, Sierra and I would be passing a ball over the river hoping it doesn't go in the water

We would be trying to beat our juggling scores

We would be running and training for up coming tournaments

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