Meeting him

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-- a week later --

I had already met up with Jc at the park and we had gotten really close. Turns out, he's pretty chill to hang out with. I've been back in Texas for about a week and I hate it so far. Today I'm meant to go to the orthodontist to have my teeth fixed because of my accident. Yes, I know, I was supposed to have gone already. But hey, it's me, I was able to delay the appointment.

-- at the orthodontist --

(Jc's pov)

When I heard that Krista was gonna be in Texas at the same time as me I thought it was the perfect chance for Trevor and Krista officially meet. He had told me about him and her talking and I told him that her name was Krista. I didn't say anything about her being In Texas though. Since Trevor has to have his wisdom teeth removed and is in Texas shooting a music video and since apparently Krista goes to the same orthodontist as me I figured I would have him go to my ortho, schedule their appointments at the same time and play match maker.

I know Krista and Sam like each other but something about them doesn't seem right to be honest... Today I'm taking Trevor to have his wisdom teeth removed and I made sure to schedule Krista and his at the same time. Earlier this morning when I met up with Krista at the park we played twenty questions and I asked her what she looked for in a guy, she basically described Trevor.

This hashtag kam thing honestly gets really annoying. I mean, they met a week ago! I know jarred likes her, Sam likes her, Trevor likes her! Nobody but me knows this, but Connor and Ricky like her a little too. I'm not saying I don't. She's the prettiest girl I've seen in a while, I'm just too old. But no one hears anything about #karred or anything else. I was watching tv, and a whole gossip show was devoted to talk on kristas love life. Trevor had seen it too and got all happy when it said "Texas bound" he wanted to come to the park with me to officially meet her but I didn't let him.

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard Trevor's name called.

"Trevor Moran? The dentist is ready for you."

Trevor walked in and sat in one of the dentist chairs.

About two minutes later, Krista and her mom walked in. When she saw me, she ran up to me and gave me a hug. I got a little tingly inside, that's new.

"Why are you here Jc?" She gave me a quizzical look. "What? I came for moral support..." She gave me a 'tell me or you die face' I put my hands up in serender. "Ok, ok. I'm here with my friend Trevor" when I said Trevor her eyes lit up and she smiled really big. "Do you know him or something?" I hope she likes him. "Know him? Of course I do. He's hilarious. I went to his X Factor audition for my birthday. Since then, I've been watching his videos." Dang, this was gonna be easier than I thought. "How about after this, you, me, and Trevor go out and listen to me talk, since neither if you will be able too." "That's a great idea." I heard the sarcasm in her voice. I gave her a weird face. "Ok, I'll be honest, no one really wants to listen to you ta-" she was cut off by the receptionist calling her name. Krista looked pissed cause I know she hates being Interrupted. She walked over to the lady, it looked like Krista wanted to punch her right in the nose. Dammit, she is a handful.

-- Trevor's pov --

I'm just sitting in one of these dentist chairs waiting for someone to do something to me. I have to have my wisdom teeth removed, it's gonna hurt like hell, I can tell. After about ten minutes of waiting I hear the door open. Fina- oh my gawd. It's her. The girl Sam was with. The girl from my baseball game. The one that got hit in the face by Acacia.

Wait, why is she here in Texas anyway? Isn't she from California? Maybe it's fate. Please sit next to me. Please sit next to me. Please sit next to me. Yes! She's sitting next to me. Keep it cool Trevor. Keep it cool. What do i say? "Come here often?" No, that's stupid... Hmm... "My names phone number, what's yours?" Nah... "I seem to have lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?" Gosh Trevor! You're so stupid! Just be your self...

"Hey, I'm Krista." Oh my gawd. She's perfect

"I'm. I. Uhhh." Smooth, real smooth.

"Trevor Moran. I watch your YouTube videos... You're a great singer." She knows me!

"Thanks. So what brings you here to the death trap?"

"I only know of one death trap and it's called school. Everything else is just a place." She hates school. I hate school. It's meant to be... Wait. Everyone hates school

"Well, then, why are you here at the place?"

"Got hit in the face by Acacia at your baseball game... I don't think she's to fond of me."

She knew it was me?

"She doesn't like any girls that Sam takes on a date..."

"You think Sam and I-? Wait. I had just met Sam that day. Like a week ago. I play for his dads soccer club. I just moved to San Clemente recently from here. I swear, Sam and I are just friends and only friends." She was laughing so hard. I guess you could say I was relieved that she didn't like Sam

"That's good. It may not seem like it, but Sam is kinda a player. He takes girls out all the time. He's like a boy version of Caca but not as bad... Just stay his friend. Trust me." I felt kinda bad talking about Sam like that. He is my closest friend from O2L, but I can't let a girl like Krista get hurt

"Really? He seemed so nice. I swear, this always happens to me. I just can't like the right guy." So she did like him.. Whoops

"Hey, I bet he's nearby you but you just don't know it yet." Hope she gets what I meant by that

"Maybe he is..." She smiles at me "and just maybe he's sitting in a dentist chair in Texas with me as I speak..." Oh my! She understood!

Just as things were going right, the dentist lady called me into another room. This is gonna hurt. As I was getting up, Krista told me good luck and gave me a hug. I felt all tingly. Who am I kidding! I felt freaking fireworks! 

When we got to the room, the dentist lady, Marty, asked if Krista was my girlfriend. I wish she was. I really wish she was.

-- kristas pov --

Ok, when I gave that boy a hug, a whole zoo ran loose in my stomach. Not even sam compared to that, which is weird. I really took in all of his small features like the way his nose scrunched when he laughed. Or when he would play with the bracelets on his wrists. Somehow he made my hormones go crazy, even if we had only just met.

I was thinking so much about Trevor I didn't even notice Dr. Gomez walk in. And for those wondering, it's not Selena Gomez's dad... It's her cousin. Not even joking. Selena and I are actually great friends. I sang back up for her in "come and get it" no one knows but our families, but I sing. There are so many secrets to me... I was actually in the video as one of the dancers. It was lots of fun.

When Dr. Gomez walked in he asked if Trevor was my boyfriend from California. As much as I wanted to answer yes, I couldn't.

Dr. Gomez finally got to work on my mouth. He told me I was gonna need a mouth guard for whenever I play soccer because my jaw got misaligned and if it go any worse I made need surgery. After telling me about my misfortune he let me go.

As I was walking out of the pain room, as I decided to call it, I saw Selena run over to me.

"Oh my gosh! Kristaaa! I've missed you!"

"Leenie! I didn't think I'd ever see you without Justin hanging on to you."

"Babe, it's been a few years, I'm over that Canadian boy by now." She's hysterical! (A/n: I love Justin with all my heart, no hate!) then it hit me. Jc loves Leenie (My nickname for her.) Ill set them up.

"Leenie, how would you like to meet a very attractive fellow I met in California?" She looked interested

"Meet me at my old house, the place we used to always hang out. I have a surprise for you."

"Ok, I'll be there. Love you Krista! See you later!"

"Bye Leenie! See ya!" And with that I left to go home. My mom had already left so I had to walk home. On my way, I texted Jc to let him know to have him and Trevor come over and that I had a surprise for them.

Now I just had to set them up...

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