A/n: help

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Hey guys, so, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating recently. I'm kinda having "drama" at the moment. I love my friends and all, but I don't want to talk to them about this. Basically, I really like this guy, but he's graduating this year. We text everyday and he's called me pretty. I feel like he's just leading me on and trying to make me feel special. I can't tell if he likes me back or if he's playing me. I mean for heaven sakes, he got me a gift on valentines day!

We had our school dance a few weeks ago, my brother was there, so the guy I like tried to take me out to the hall to dance. He got me a stuffed bear on valentines, has said I looked pretty on some days, I catch him starring once in a while, and some of his friends think he likes me!

He keeps saying he doesn't like anyone, but i just don't know. I feel like he's leading me on. We've been really close friends for two years now and I've liked him for about six months, but I'm so confused now!

Some of my friends from his class say he's a douche, but he's really nice to me. He's never done anything mean to me. My guy best friend doesn't like him. My girl best friend almost dated him. She's perfectly fine with me liking him though. Please help me, I'm so confused...

My kik is: CZ_soccer_lover (the one I use most) or Theycallmenissa (barley use it)

I'm begging you, someone please text me

And also, I've been wanting to meet some internet friends. So if u just wanna obsess over youtubers, viners, or celebrities... Trust me, I'm your girl

Thank you to whoever read this. The next chapter will be up soon. Finals are almost over so I'll have plenty of time to write.

Love you all!

Stay Nashty!

- Nissa☮

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