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- at the soccer field-

Once I arrived at the field I felt a sensation I had never felt before. I had I weird feeling in my stomach and I started to sweat. What's going on with me?


"Please, by all means mr. Pottorff, call me Krista."

"Ok, Krista, here's your uniform. Go change into it and meet me back here in ten minutes."

-at the locker rooms-


I looked up from my phone (cause I was texting Sierra) and noticed I had bumped into a a really pretty girl.

"Watch where you're going!"

"I'm really sorry, I'm new."


"My names Krista by the way."


"Nice to mee-"

"Yea, yea, just stay out of my way."

And with that she walked away. Already making a bad impression..nice going Krista.

I got changed and went back to meet mr. Pottorff where we had met before. When I got there he walked me over to the teams.

All the girls were so beautiful and I began to feel really self conscious.It felt as if a million eyes were on me, even though there were only a couple hundred peolple at the club. As I was looking out at the crowed I noticed a boy with really great hair. He had gorgeous brown eyes and such a cute smile. It was Sam Pottorff. He must have noticed me starring at him cause he smirked at me. Then I noticed Acacia giving me a deadly stare. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard mr. Pottorff say my name.


Once I met all my teammates and mr. Pottorff, well now Chris as he wants me to call him (a/n idk sam's dads name) told them all of how he came to find me. I swear, the whole time I was up front with Chris, Acacia was giving me a death glare.

After my extra long introduction I went over to stand next to one exceptionally beautiful teammate.

"Acacia doesn't look too fond of you, what did you do to make her hate you so much already?"

"I honestly don't know, I bumped into her earlier but would that really make her hate me?"

"I don't know Krista, Acacia usually plays nice at first..unless.."

"Unless what?"

"Well, she's kinda 'in love' with the coaches son."


"Yep. That's the one. And I'm pretty sure everyone saw you two starring at each other.."

"We weren't starring.."

"Whatever you say...the names Jenn by the way."

"I'm Krista"

"Nice to meet you. Anyways, I'm goin out to lunch with some of my YouTube friends later. Wanna come?"

"Sure, I'd love too"


after practice-

I was walking back home when I got a text from Jenn (K- Krista J- Jenn)

J: meet me at the corner grill in thirty minutes. I'll send you the address/

K: mkay

J: look pretty, I have a surprise for you

K: ummm...what kind of surprise?

J: the kind that I don't tell you about..

K: ok, whatever. See you there


When I got to my hotel I began to frantically look through my closet for something to wear. I finally decided on black ripped skinny jeans, a grey muscle tee that says 'stay beautiful', and white converse. I straighten my hair cause I had pony tail hair and put a grey beanie on my head. Once I was ready I grabbed my black, pink, purple, and green penny board named 13..cause I got it for my thirteenth birthday.

I yelled out to my mom that I was going out with some friends, she was skeptical at first because we had just barley arrived, but I explained everything to her. I then left to meet up with Jenn.


When I walked into the restaurant I saw Jenn with five boys and a really pretty girl that I recognized from soccer. I think her name was Andrea..

"Krista Over here."

I walked over to the table where everyone was seated. Once I walked over a stopped dead in my tracks. Seated with Jenn and her other friends was the one and only Sam Pottorff.

- sorry this isn't the best chapter! I promise they will get better! 

Soccer balls and wisdom teethWhere stories live. Discover now