The text

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Trevor made his way up to the stage

"No. Krista you can't go out with him! He broke your heart! Twice!"

"And guess what Trevor... So did you"

I looked at him coldly

Yes, I still had feelings for him, but he cheated on me with my best friend and aid things a can't get out of my head. I just can't forgive him again

He looked at me shocked


"Yea Trev, twice. Once at the concert... And once on the phone..."

He had guilt in his eyes

"I didn't mean anything I said Krista. You have to believe me!"

It looked like he was beginning for forgiveness

I looked away from his mesmerizing eyes

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Krista... Let's go. These guys are crazy. They don't understand you're tired of their shit"

I recognized that voice

Matthew Lee Espinosa

"Wait! Please don't go."

"Sam, please. Just let me leave. I was going to say no anyway..."

I looked down

I couldn't look at Carter after I just said that

"You.. You were?"

His voice sounded so hurt

"Yes Carter, I was. You said if I had fun tonight we could go out again and you would wait for me to be ready, do I look ready? I'm still completely broken inside. I haven't forgotten what you did to me. And did you think by asking me in front of hundreds of people would pressure me into saying yes?"

He looked ashamed

"Well, yes. You're so innocent Krista. I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I think I deserve you the most. Trevor here is a gay singer. It's obvious. Sam is a player. I can tell. He's hiding Something from you. He probably doesn't even lo-"

"I do well under pressure now Carter. And don't you dare talk about my friends that way. They may have hurt me, but they don't talk bad about me. They don't fight with eachother... Much. And they certainly respect that I need to trust people. They have been trying to make it up. Yea, they muses up, but they don't pull stunts like this! The stage and the field is my escape from all this crap! And you invaded my space. I'm sure there are millions of girls that want to date you, but you stick with me, yea, that's sweet. But I know you too well Carter. You heard about my audition, I bet you are only doing this for the fame. Is this the kind of fame you wanted?! Is it?!" I was about to cry, "well, i hope you're happy. You're gonna be known by my fans now. Old and new. Cause you know what? This carnival is full of people with social media power. I probably look like an idiot saying this stuff to you, but I've been keeping it in way too long. I'm done being your toy Carter. Do us both a favor and find a new toy!"

I had tears trailing down my face

But I didn't care

"Trev, Sam, don't be like Carter. I still want to be friends... Just never be like Carter"

I looked at matthew

"Can you give me a ride home please?"

"Yea sure. I uh- cam with a few of my friends. But they're all really nice. You'll love them"

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