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(SAMs pov)

What am I supposed to do?  I'm in California and Krista is all the way  in Texas. I just got her and now I'm gonna lose her. I figured out that the guy she had bumped into at the baseball game was Trevor... He's everything a girl could want. I could tell he likes her. Trevor has only liked one girl before and it didn't end well. The problem is, she's all I can think about... Well, maybe. I was at the park a few days ago texting Krista when a girl walked by me. She was stunning. It was my ex girlfriend Kenzie... She had changed a lot since the last time I had seen her. It appeared she had matured more and clearly got hotter. We ended up talking and hanging out just like we used to when we were dating. I think I might have adapted feelings for her again.

Beeb beeb

A text from Krista

K: what do u consider us?

Umm... No hello? But what did I consider us?

S: friends. I think were friends

K: ok, just making sure u don't like me

WAIT!! I do like you!! And why are you making sure I don't?!?

S: ummm....

K: Carter and I are getting back togther! there's no time for bicthes like you anymore. Sorry Sam, forget you

S: ....

Wow, after I was so nice and supportive she goes back to Carter.. Fuck her and her nasty attitude.

Blink blink

Twitter notification

@kristaaaaaa_star: whoever stole my phone please stop using my iMessage. I keep getting notifications that my texting minutes are almost all used but I'm can't find my phone. This is too far! True All-stars wouldn't do this to me...

All stars are her fans names. She's some fans for a while, but she's gotten really popular lately. Wait.. If she can't find her phone then she couldn't have texted me that bull shit.

@sam_pottorff: @kristaaaaaa_star so that's not you texting me?

@kristaaaaaa_star: @sam_pottorff No I swear! I thought I had my phone 5 minutes ago but now I can't find it and I'm using my laptop to track it but my internet sucks.

@sam_pottorff: oh whale @kristaaaaaa_star Well I hope you find your phone 

Thankfully she didn't text me that stuff...

(Kristas pov)

Leenie was at my house already and the boys weren't here yet. I am currently walking around my old home just admiring everything. I've really missed it here. I went back to the living room and saw Selena on her phone so I decided to go on my phone, I just couldn't find it anywhere. I pull out my laptop and use FindMyIPhone but for some reason It isn't working. I then resorted to twitter hoping whoever has my phone is just a fan ad will return it... even though the chances of that are slim to none. As I am about to tweet out that I lost my phone I start to get notifications alarming me I am not connected to wifi and by texting so much I am using up many of my texting minutes. Just as I finish my tweets Selena calls me over.

"Damn! Who's this?!" I look over and she is on MY PHONE. I see that she's looking at a group photo of O2L and hope that she is looking at Jc. 

"Which one? The one that's taller and has brown hair?" I try to keep my cool even though I was just freaking out over losing my phone

"Noooooo! The shorter one with pretty eyes!" I knew she was talking about Trevor after that moment. I still tried to remain cool

"Haha.. That's Trevor. The guy I was telling you I might like. We just officially met but I've had an internet crush on him for a long time. That taller one is Jc Caylen... He has a huge crush on you."

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