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1k reads?!?! I can't thank you guys enough! I just wrote this cause I got bored one day. I never thought I would have anything near one thousand reads!! Please keep voting! I had my first reader text me and you have no idea how happy that made me feel! Thank you to everyone of my readers!! I'm really sorry it's been FOREVER since I updated my story. I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't have time, but I have been extremely busy with all my soccer training and extra curricular work I do. I'm trying to update again but it's hard. I have soccer training three times a week cause we have a HUGE tournament next weekend. I'm also having a little difficulty in some classes but I'll be doing better soon. Once again, thanks for all the support and in thanks of all my reads, I'm gonna do a contest. I'll explain it at the end of the chapter. I hope u enjoy it!!

(SAMs pov)

He cheated on her..

How could he ever be so stupid?!

Trevor.. The sweet and crazy one cheated on Krista.

She doesn't deserve this

The second I see him I am going to beat that kid up

I'm gonna- "incoming call from Trevor"

"What do you want Trevor? I can't believe you-"

I realized he was crying on the other end of the phone

"Trevor? Are you ok?"

"No I'm not potato!" That's what it sounded like. I mean, he's crying. It's hard to understand.i know what he meant ""I just ruined the best thing that ever happened to me! I'm no better than that jerk Carter! I kept telling her I would keep her safe, that I wouldn't let cater get her... I ended up breaking her more! She doesn't deserve what I did to her! I don't deserve her..."

"Trevor, it's o-"

"Dint you f*cking tell me it's ok! No way in hell is it ok! I'm a cheater! I'm a freaking cheater! I'm a monster! I'm a cheating monster..."

"Trevor! I'm pissed at you. I'm extremely pissed at you. But I'm not the person you should be telling this to. If you weren't crying, I would be yelling at you this very moment. But there is no use. Instead, I'm gonna help you. Leave Krista alone. Just, don't bother her. Let her heal. And leave me alone too. I am beyond aggravated by you. You ruined the girl I'm in love with and now I'm gon-"

"Did you say 'the girl you're in love with'? You're in love with Krista?" Crap

"Well, I.. Uh.. Yea. I love Krista. Happy? I think she's great.. But I don't see her dating again for a while so yea. Bye Trevor."

With that, I hung up

(Trevor's pov)

"The girl I'm in love with"

That's all I can think of now

How could I be so stupid?

Krista loves him too.

The picture..

Her screensaver..

Her song..

I made her fall in love with me so technically, she loves me, not Sam

...loved me

I broke her

Ruined her

I ruined myself.

Well, whenever I'm depressed I write

(Original poem)

Maybe it was the eyes, so perfect and clear

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