All over again

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(Kristas pov)

After I left Sam to go use the bathroom..well, not really use it. I was just getting so tired of seeing Acacia flirt with Sam from afar. I don't know why seeing that bothered me so much it just di-

"Ow! Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" I had clumsily bumped into someone. Dang, Whoever it was, he was really cute. I didn't see his whle face though cause he had a baseball helmet on. We started to talk for a bit. I told him he played really well and he said I was pretty. I think I blushed. The whole time we were talking I kept looking over at Sam. I think whoever that kid was noticed, he looked annoyed.

Beep beep

My phone just went off, I looked down and saw a text message from Sierra.

Sierra: where the hell are you! You were supposed to meet me at the pizza cafe 25 minutes ago! I know ur all cool now with ur new friends and all, but don't forget me!

Crap! I had completely forgotten I was supposed to meet Sierra at a cafe for lunch. I knew Sierra had quite the temper so I rudely excused my self from the guy I was talking too. I ran over to Sam and was about to give him a goodbye hug when I got hit in the head hard. I don't know what happened. Things started to get fuzzy, but I could still hear. The last thing I remember before everything went black was hearing someone yell "wait! I never even got your name!" That's it. After that everything went black.

(SAMs pov)

She was running to me...maybe that guy had said something hurtful to her! But either way, she was running to ME. Not Jenn. ME. It looked like she was gonna give me a hug..weird. Then she fell to the ground. It happened all too sudden. It looked like she got hit in the head. Badly. I bent down so I was above her. I was checking to see what happened. There was a softball near her head. It all made sense now..Acacia. I guess I began to cry because everyone crowded around me. Ricky called for an ambulance. It got here really fast. I couldn't part from her. The paramedics said one person could ride with her. I immediately got in the ambulance with her. She looked so lifeless, pale. I began to cry really hard.

Once we reached the hospital, the paramedics rushed Krista into a room. I just waited in the waiting room. I then felt something cold and hard beep in my pants pocket. It was kristas phone, it had fallen out of her pocket when we got hit. She had gotten at least ten text from a girl name Sierra.

S: wtf!! What kind of best friend are you?! U ditched me for your new "cool" best friends!

S: you could have at lease told me you were canceling! I hate u!

S: I see how it is!! I hope you're happy with your new friends!! We're over!!

I couldn't believe anyone talking to Krista that way. What I couldn't believe more was that this girl was Kristas best friend. The Sierra she told Jenn about. 

K: hey, it's Sam. One of kristas new friends. Krista didnt want to cancel on you..something else came up.

Only a minute later, Sierra responded.

S: yea! I bet YOU came up! You're just one of those snobby rich kids!


K: actually, I am rich. But not snobby. At least I like to think. I can assure you she certainly didn't want to cancel.

S: riiiiight. I believe you. No, actually, I don't. Give me one reason why I should believe you.

K: idk, maybe because your best friend is in the hospital!!!!

That should shut her up.

S: wait! In the hospital!!! What the hell happened?! Is she ok?!?!

K: yes, she's fine. I think. My friends, Jenn, kian, Connor, Ricky, Jc, and Andrea went to lunch after practice then to Trevor's (my other friend) baseball game. She got hit in the head my a softball. She's unconscious right now but I'm sure she'll be fine.

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